Saturday, August 31, 2019
Supporting Young Children through Family Loss
Because she was the primary caregiver hile you were at work, the baby may feel a bit disconnected or vulnerable. Possible ways that an infant may respond to a family death. You may notice a bit of a change in the babys personality while she adjusts to the change, but maintaining consistency is going to help her immensely. We want her to feel safe and secure. Specific advice from experts on how to help an infant through a family loss. Because children of this age do not understand the concept of death, you may not have to get into much detail. The most crucial thing is going to be to make sure that the baby keeps a constant routine.Keeping ner routine as normal as possible will help get back that feeling of being safe and connected. Part II: Supporting a Toddler Developmental information about what a toddler may feel, believe, or understand about a family death. A lot like the baby, Toddler may not understand the concept of death but will undoubtedly experience a sense of loss from hi s life. He knows that grandma was a constant, daily fixture. Normally at this age, there is a large component of â€Å"out of sight, out of mind†however once Toddler realizes that there is a prolonged and consistent absence, he will experience grief.Also be aware that he ay be sensing and picking up your feelings and reacting to them, or become irritable, this is quite normal. There are also some other signs of grief that Toddler might experience. Possible ways that a toddler may respond to a family death. Some toddlers do experience a shift in personality or are irritable. Most of the time this is temporary, however some personality changes may happen and this is part of the coping process. Sometimes a child's view of the world is altered by trauma and causes the changes to be permanent.You may also notice that there is a loss of appetite or he may even select only certain types of food. He should work his way back to normal eating again. If it persists for more than a coup le of weeks, see your doctor. Sleep might be affected, either not sleeping or being afraid of falling asleep alone. This problem should diminish over time. Specific advice from experts on how to help a toddler through a family loss. The best advice for helping Toddler is going to be to maintain his sleep, feeding and activities routine as much as possible.This will help him regain his sense of connection and balance. If you do notice a decrease in activity and see him Just lying limply be aware that this is a normal part of the process. Try to offer opportunities for activity and play every day until he responds. Be patient with him. You may also see him regressing to previous activities. Being patient is going to be crucial for him. Part Ill: Supporting a Preschooler Developmental information about what a preschooler may feel, believe, or understand about a family death. Preschooler may experience a couple of things to be on the look-out for.Letting Preschooler know that she didn't do anything to cause grandma's death and that there is nothing that you can do to bring her back. Sometimes children develop something called â€Å"magical thinking†where they think hat they either caused the death, could have prevented it or that the person who will come back like a cartoon character. It is not uncommon for a child to continue to believe that the family member is still alive. It is absolutely 0k for you and your family to show emotion around her. This is healthy for her to see. I know how hard this time is for you.Do not add on the extra burden of trying to hide your feelings around the children. Possible ways that a preschooler may respond to a family death. Using the proper term for death is appropriate for Preschooler, so that she can understand and begin get on the road to acceptance. Take cues about attending the funeral from Preschooler. She will let you know. If she is frightened of going, do not force her. Grief is often cyclical and Preschooler ma y show grief now, and as she enters into her teenage years, she may grieve again. That is perfectly normal when a child loses a loved one in their early years.Three specific ideas or activities the family can do at home to help a preschooler through a family loss. You can offer her an alternative way to remember her like a memorial in grandma's house, releasing balloons with messages or writing a letter. She will show you how she can best grieve right now. Let Preschooler talk as little or as much about grandma as possible, keep in mind that she may be non-verbally communicating her feelings about the death through play. Acknowledge her and let her communicate in the way that she knows how. References: KidsAid. (n. d. ).Young children and grief. Retrieved February 13, 2009, from http:// kidsaid. com/dougypage. html Hecker, B. (2005). Magical thinking: Children may blame themselves for a parent's illness and death. Retrieved from http:// medicalcenter. osu. edu/viewer/Pages/index. as px? p=413 The National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children. (n. d. ). Infant and toddler grief. Retrieved February 13, 2009, from http://www. tlcinst. org/toddlergrief. html EDUC 1006 Application Assignment Evaluation Criteria Application Assignments are worth a maximum of 400 points for the entire course.Note: For privacy purposes, you may not include the actual name of any student, parent, or professional referenced in the assignment. In this course there are five graded Application Assignments. Each is worth a maximum of 80 points, which will be awarded as follows: 64-80 points Response demonstrates a full understanding and correct use of the concepts and/or strategies as presented in the Learning Resources. Response follows directions and includes all components indicated in the instructions. If requested, references are included and properly cited.Writing demonstrates mastery of all criteria for high academic literacy standards as indicated in â€Å"Writing Across the Cu rriculum†(see below). 41-63 points Response demonstrates a general understanding and correct use ot the concepts and/or strategies as presented in the Learning Resources. Response follows directions and includes most components indicated in the instructions. If requested, references are included and properly cited. Writing demonstrates mastery of most riteria for high academic literacy standards as indicated in â€Å"Writing Across the Curriculum†(see below). 0 or fewer points Response demonstrates a minimal understanding and correct use of the concepts and/or strategies as presented in the Learning Resources. Response does not follow all directions and is missing components indicated in the instructions. If requested, references are not included and properly cited. Writing is unclear and/or disorganized. Thoughts are not expressed in a logical manner. Few criteria for high below) are followed. Writing Across the Curriculum Walden University is committed to high acade mic literacy standards.To develop these skills in students, this course has a strong emphasis on written assignments which may include content review questions, application assignments, case study analyses, observations, and online discussions. All assignments are expected to meet the following standards: 1 . Clear central idea carefully and coherently developed and with intended emphasis 2. Correct grammar; no persistent mechanical errors 3. Neat appearance with evidence of having been carefully proofread 4. Academic integrity and honesty 5. Full documentation of research work 6. References cited using APA style (except in discussion postings)
Friday, August 30, 2019
Historic tenets of urban planning Essay
The Third World Cities have seen extra- ordinary growth in their urban expansion since 1950. The world 10 most populous cities are located in the third world countries. The urbanization has changed the way of life for the people living there. On one side these megacities have become economic giant for their countries, on other they have also created problems such as disease, congested traffic, pollution and sacristy of resources with a huge gap among haves and have not. As these cities are unplanned and this urbanization is a sudden experience, it is natural for the Third world countries to be surrounded by these surmounting troubles, unless they choose the way out. Historic tenets of urban planning The evidence of urban planning can be found the ancient cultures such as Roman and Greek cities and in ancient cities in India and Egypt as well. The Indus civilization in Pakistan is recognized as the first civilization to have a completely developed urban planning. In 2600 BC, before the arrival of Harapa and Mojodharo, the small towns grew into bigger towns and eventually became cities with thousands of people living in. These people did not have agricultural society as their cities depicts, showing a homogenous culture, however diapered suddenly from the course of history with their cities still intact. These cities are well planned and follow a consistent design, which clearly shows that they were built according to a conscious plan, and is considered the first developed urban plan. Similarly the Romans used to built their cities according to a proper city plan, with military and civil defense and many European cities still appear to follow that pattern. In their plan, the city has a central plaza or market, which is surrounded by streets and walls with short cuts to cut the time short for pedestrians and often the city, has river or stream in the center to provide water and carry sewage out of the city (Crouch, 2003) During the last two hundred years the Western world urban planning has gone through extensive changes in its planning and design. In the industrial age, the control of the city was held by the wealthy few, while the rest of the population lived in slums and sewage. In the 20th century a movement started to change this urban structure and to provide healthy environment to its people. Thus arose the concept of garden city, which were small in size but were basically model towns with few thousand people. In the early 1920s the concept of modern city emerges, such as Paris but they were destroyed during World Wars (Gaffikin, 1999). It was only after WWII that the new cities started to take shape place, however it was not until 1970s, that cheap block construction created an easy and efficient way of creating new buildings. The main objective of the concept of modern planning is to regulate the building activities and set the limits on building and neighborhoods. According to Hopkins (2001) the postmodern planning is composed of the following essential elements: Aesthetics Planning In postmodern urban plans, the most essential element is taking aesthetics more seriously, which meant to add beauty to homes and building. The important aspect of a city planning is zoning, maximizing and managing the use of land and pace of urban development. Safety The houses in modern urban plans are designed to incorporate well with existing municipal services. The cities extreme zones are planned in a way that such dangers can be defused and houses in such areas are equipped with emergency operation and secure evacuation centers. Transport Planning A good urban plan has well developed transport system which cater to the needs of it commuters. Good transport system avoids traffic congestions and effectively carries commuters into different parts of the city without hassle. And automobiles in a city are well suited it meets its requirement, such as spacious roads and parking lanes, which can handle traffic in rush hours. Effective Sub-urban Planning A successful urban plan brings benefit to larger city area by making the towns and urban environment spacious. Planning and the environment In advanced urban or village planning models, taking care of ecology is inevitable. The modern urban planning includes pastures and gardens to keep natural environment consistent with the city.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Food Ethics Essay
The ethics surrounding food hasn’t always been a major contributor in ones decision on what to eat. In the beginning, we would have to physically hunt or gather our meals in order to survive. The choice of what was for breakfast, lunch or dinner solely relied on what was accessible to us. The ethical questions would only come as a result of a modernized food system, where other options for food became accessible and convenient. In the essay Consider the Lobster by David Foster Wallace, the author describes lobsters in New England in the 1800’s as having an â€Å"Unbelievable abundance (238). Read more: Good people analysis essay These crustaceous creatures were all over the shores of New England. Wallace writes about the Boston seashore as, â€Å"being littered with lobsters after hard storms†¦ (238). †Yet, Lobster were considered â€Å"low-class†and as Wallace states, â€Å"†¦eaten only by the poor and institutionalized (237). †It was considered unethical to even feed the poor lobster â€Å"†¦more than once a week (238). †This was modernized New England, which eventually changed at the turn of the century, just as Lobster shifted from being â€Å"low class†to â€Å"chewable fuel†. As the world became more industrialized, food became centralized. The shift from small businesses to large companies started to occur. The lobster industry changed as well during these times as Wallace describes, â€Å"Maine’s earliest lobster industry was based around a dozen such seaside canneries in the 1840’s, from which lobster was shipped as far away as California†¦ (238). †Just like the lobster industry in New England, many companies in the United States started to fulfill the demands for products to gain a profit. Ethics became secondary to making money. Corporations would produce so much that they would drive the price down, increasing its affordability and making it more accessible and widely consumed. Eventually, large companies would become so efficient and affordable, that small businesses like farms and mom and pop shops found it increasingly difficult to compete. Many small companies and farms had to either adjust their products to niche markets or work as a subsidiary to these corporations. Along with mass production of products, was a new manufacturing process. Foods started to become streamlined in such a way that they would grow in the harshest of environments. These new forms of industrialization lead to the creation of processed foods. The companies found ways to maximize profits while making the costs as affordable as possible for the consumer. The supermarkets offered everything one could think of, packaged and ready to eat. Although the prices for most foods were at an all-time low, hunger and malnutrition still existed. There were also issues arising regarding consumer trust in food safety, and the effects on the human body. As a result of these cost efficient products, people in the United States started to become increasingly heavy, leading to an obesity epidemic and a major health crisis. The ethical issues involving economical behavior of consumers and agricultural ethics are at question. Is it unethical for corporations to mass produce unhealthy foods, knowing the adverse side effects on the environment and growing rates of obesity in the United States? The trend seemed to lead to, the more affordable the food, the more we consume. Is this a personal problem or are the companies to blame for offering these products to us? We must first look into the goals of a business and if ethics play any part in the obligations to supply our population with affordable food. The very basic objective to any business is to create a profit. This is what allows companies to continue function and thrive. The best way for this to happen is to make something that is sellable and where there is room for profit. In the food industry corn is not only a commodity it’s a common ingredient in almost every product on our shelves. According to Michael Pollan, in his book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, It is also used to feed most of the animals that become meats in our supermarkets. To say that corn is widely used would be an understatement. It seemed that we couldn’t produce enough of this plant. Not only is our climate great for growing it, we also were able to store it very effectively. The boom in corn production can be traced back to the nineteen seventies. Since those same years, â€Å"†¦American’s average daily intake of calories has jumped by more than 10 percent (Pollan 102). †The reason for this increased caloric intake leaves many to question whether people are eating more because it’s less expensive or people are eating the same amounts but the food contains more calories. Either way, the companies that were producing these items didn’t seem to be bothered by the problem affecting â€Å"three of every five Americans being overweight (Pollan 102). †The truth is that the companies are driven by profits. The Americans who consume these foods create the profits. Additionally, a lot of these companies are traded on the public market and have a responsibility to their shareholders, who subsequently are the same ones buying these foods. So the companies were being driven to make profits for the people invested. Two of the biggest soda companies in the world, Coca-Cola and Pepsi, have followed these trends as well. As Pollen says, â€Å"By 1984, Coca-Cola and Pepsi had switched over entirely from sugar to high-fructose corn syrup. Why? Because HFCS was a few cents cheaper than sugar (thanks in part to tariffs on imported sugarcane secured by corn refiners) and consumers didn’t seem to notice the substitution (104). †It’s as if these corn companies were monopolizing the industry, trying to turn-over as much product as possible. The increased production would eventually lead to increased portion sizes. Instead of lowering the prices of products, companies started charging a small upcharge for additional food and soda. This practice of continually turning over product has become so dangerous that now, â€Å"†¦in 2000 the number of people suffering from [overnutrition]-a billion- had surpassed the number suffering from malnutrition-800 million (Pollan 102). †There is clearly something broken with this system. These companies are catering to our consumer appetites and enabling us to act accordingly. You would think that the prices of the food being low would solve our food problems globally, but the answer is unfortunately no. These companies are in places where there is both a market for high sales and where they can grow these crops. Most of the areas that are facing malnutrition are in remote areas of the world. These areas wouldn’t make the companies money and therefor there isn’t an incentive for them. On the other hand, America is of course one of the largest consumer countries in the world. Our desire for food is unsurpassed by most counties. There is no question that Americans have a sweet tooth. It is part of the human makeup to consume high energy foods and is linked to natural selection. According to Pollan, â€Å"Add fat or sugar to anything and it’s going to taste better on the tongue of an animal that natural selection has wired to seek out energy-dense foods (107). †Pollan also suggests that, â€Å"natural selection predisposed us to the taste of sugar and fat (its texture as well as taste) because sugars and fats offer the most energy (which is what a calorie is) per bite (106). It’s only natural for humans to consume these ingredients, because after all we are â€Å"predisposed†to do them. This of course doesn’t mean that we are completely free of blame for our overindulging. We are all individuals and are responsible in formulating our own decisions. The companies which provide us with these calorie-packed foods and beverages also list their nutritional information on the packages. If we were to eat any packaged foods, we would be responsible for understanding the health risks involved. The real problem is whether we have the mental capacity to control our physical urges. There is extensive research that suggests, â€Å"†¦people {presented} with large portions will eat up to 30 percent more (Pollan 106). †At one time in our history, this might have served us. Now, there is no question that our bodies are becoming poisoned from this. Knowing all of this information, companies continue doing their best to offer these calorie-packed foods. This is evident in just about every corner store and fast food restaurant. The ethics concerning public safety and effects on the human body are clear. Companies are only concerned over their ability to raise a profit. Their aim to create profits from the overconsumption of high energy foods has been effective in making Americans unhealthy, while continuing to turn over profits. While the companies are certainly a large part of the problem, the consumers are also to blame. They have enabled this overproduction by continuing to consume the same products making them sick. Additionally, people seem to be ignoring their recommended caloric intakes and are choosing to eat more and more. Companies can only be blamed for producing products with limited nutritional value. They are ethically absolved of their responsibilities if they inform their consumers properly. Their goal is to make profits, not worry whether their consumers are eating the recommended serving size or not. The best way to take control of this issue would to be to consume less and choose healthier options as individuals. The more aware we become as individuals, the healthier we will become as a society.
The representation of violence in Michael Haneke's Films Essay
The representation of violence in Michael Haneke's Films - Essay Example The essay will be about Michael Haneke’s Representation of Violence in his films, who is a former literary and film critic. According to Aaron (2007), in most of his life work, he undermines the development of the contemporary society. He has produced the most disturbing films, which contain much violence in the contemporary cinema, and has caused many viewers to feel sick in their stomach after watching them. The essay will be examining the stylistic and technical methods that Haneke uses that are not only his directive characteristics as an auteur, but also examine the typical difference between how he represents violence and how it has an effect on society those movies and that of conventional society. In the films Benny’s Video (Haneke, 1992), Funny Games (1997) and Cache (Haneke, 2005) there is clear evidence of how Haneke represents violence and it is not only self-reflective, but it empowers role of the viewer’s by attracting their imagination. We will also look at how Haneke criticizes the ubiquity of violent in superficial moving images. With Haneke’s production of films that address themes that are considered difficult measured by the commercial cinema standards, which include violence trauma effects, alienation, sexism and racism as made him be labeled as a modernist. In today’s films, it is almost impossible to view the whole film without witnessing violence at least as a side spectacle. The film may be either a horror movie that its focus is violence or just a comedy that needs to add some more laughs in the content; one can argue that all these films do not depict the pain and horrifying reality of violence in the real world. Apparently, the images of bombing in countries such as Libya, Southern Sudan and Iraq or a murder committed in a nearby city that one lives look to be not much of the meaning that one still want to watch a violent movie. In fact, because of the ubiquity of the images that contains violence rarely
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