Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Beach Trinkets E-Mail Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Beach Trinkets E-Mail Policy - Essay Example This policy will govern any e-mail sent through company e-mail system. It applies to all the employees (full-time as well as part-time), interns, clients, suppliers, agents, and other stakeholders of the company. The e-mail policy applies to any location where the company e-mail is used, and includes, but is not limited to homes, airports, and hotels. The Company reserves to the right to make changes to the policy. Any case of changes in the policy will be communicated to the users appropriately. Violation of the policy will be dealt with seriously and may include actions up to and including termination. The e-mail system of the company is meant only for business purposes. Employees may use their e-mails for personal purposes, but such usage is limited to communicating with family members during work breaks only and should make sure that this does not hinder work performance or business needs. The e-mail shall not be used for purposes like job search, promotion of a religious, or a p olitical cause, or for personal gains. However, employees shall save their personal e-mails in a separate folder named â€Å"Private†. This folder shall be cleaned once a week in order to prevent unnecessary load on the company’s e-mail system. Use of e-mails services by companies like (Yahoo!, Gmail, Hotmail or others) is prohibited. The employees shall ensure these necessary conditions while sending an e-mail: The e-mail messages sent, received, or transmitted using e-mail is provided by the company are the property of the company, and the employees have no reasonable expectation of privacy. The company reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review, store, edit, and delete any and all e-mails transmitted via the company’s e-mail system. Any content created, downloaded, or uploaded through the company’s e-mail system is liable to be under company’s scrutiny.
Reading and writing experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reading and writing experience - Essay Example Whereas the university recognizes English as the primary language of instruction, Joe did not have adequate writing skills in English. Therefore, he had problems keeping up with the lecturers pace in the class. More often than not he had to keep on asking his desk mate for course books so that he could copy what he had not been able to copy during class time. This was a great challenge in his learning of English. He would thus opt to listen during class time and write the notes later during his free time. This interfered with his learning process. Additionally, he would find learning how to write in English difficult since learning in class was taking place at a very fast pace that he would not be able to keep up. The fact that the English class had many students from different parts of the world posed a great challenge for Joe. This is because students spoke different dialects. Whereas a good language environment is important for language development, Joe did not enjoy favourable language environment. He would often be confused on which dialect to follow and in the process lost track in learning how to speak English. However, he would sometimes hang up with few friends who are native English speakers and they would influence him to speak proper English. Furthermore, the cultural confusion would add more problems to learning how to speak English. This was because of the cultural conflict between different students in class. Learning to read and write in English means a lot for international students. Particularly, they need to learn English so that they can apply the same in learning other subjects. Therefore, the challenges faced by international students, like Joe, need to be addressed. The university may consider setting the right language environment for international students to influence their learning. Although mixing native and international students can cause cultural shock, it can be one of the greatest tools of enhancing
Monday, October 28, 2019
South Carolina electricity and gas company Essay Example for Free
South Carolina electricity and gas company Essay This company deals in the supply of natural gas to homes, businesses and other users in community. Natural gas is one of the most versatile, environmentally friendly and dependable sources of energy available. Nothing will warm a home like natural gas, so let SCEG help you make the most of it (www. sceg. com) At break-even Sales = total cost Assume the rent is 20,000, fixed cost 25000, wages 12 per unit, variable cost 10 per unit If the revenue price per unit is US$ 220 the break-even will as follows:- 220X y = 12y+10y +20000+25000 45000 = 198y Y = 228 units The unit of measurement is gas cylinders In case, they want to adjust the selling price upward to 240. the breakeven will be as follows: 240X y = 12y+10y +20000+25000 45000 = 218y Y = 207 units In case, they want to adjust the selling price downward to 200. The breakeven will be as follows: 178X y = 12y+10y +20000+25000 45000 = 178y Y = 253 units.
Human Resource Management System for Resume Processing
Human Resource Management System for Resume Processing Introduction 1.1 Purpose of the System The main aim of is HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is automating the resume processing for organization that is applied by the candidates. With this project organization can add the resume to the database and track the resumed to various rounds and it provides reports on jobs. The objective is to develop customize software package for organization. The Human Resource Management System is developed using ORACLE as back-end and HTML, JSP as front-end. The operating system being used is the Windows 2000 prof. The automation of the above mentioned system reduces human dependences and avoids errors in data storage, analysis and retrieval. The time taken for searching candidate details is also drastically reduced due to the automation process, thus reducing the whole cycle time. This project performs three major roles: Registration Junior level management Senior level management 1.2 Scope Of The System Human Resource Management System is accessible to the HR Department of the organization â€Å"GIT Solutions †. The functional scope of the system is to provide the user friendly environment in the process of recruitment and it provides search based on particular search criteria to update resume and so scheduled and up to interview rounds. It provides reports based on job positions search. 1.3 Objectives and Success Criteria Objective: The main objectives of the Human Resource Management System are as follows: To automate selection process. To facilitate high graphical user interface to the user. To provide better functioning and accurate information in time. To provide data maintenance features. To improve the efficiency and to reduce the overload of work. To generate appropriate and concerned information to the user using dynamic queries. To generate appropriate reports. To provide security. Success Criteria: It provides security to the application through login check of the user of this system through this web-based application maintenance of the recruitment process is being done in less time and add efficient manner. The module will be built using Oracle and html and jsp to allow for future enhancement and additions. 1.4 Definitions And Abbreviations Definitions: Applicant: An Individuals that is looking for career GIT Solutions Interview: A meeting between any Executive of GIT Solutions and applicants, where GIT Solutions determines if the employees skill set matches the job that they are trying to fill. Resume: A document containing the applicants Personal details, job details Education, Skills, Past Employment, Reference information. Test: An exercise to measure quantitatively the aptitude for specified job requirements. Posting: Feeding of information of applicant into Application or storing of application into the database. Abbreviations: HRMS: Human Resource Management System JSP: Java Server Page JDBC: Java Data Base Connectivity ODBC: Oracle Data Base Connectivity. HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language HTTP: Hyper Text Transper URL: 1.5 Overview: The main aim of is HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is automating the resume processing for organization that is applied by the candidates. With this project organization can add the resume to the database and track the resumed to various rounds and it provides reports on jobs. The objective is to develop customize software package for organization. 2. CURRENT SYSTEM No proper dynamic search method is available to immediately access a particular record. Fast retrieval of required data is not possible thus causing delay and unnecessary search of the entire list. FoxPro under Novel NetWare version is not a graphical user interface based application. User interaction with the system is minimized because of the DOS environment, unlike the windows environment where the user interaction with the system is high. PROBLEM DEFINITION: Handling of large databases effectively is not possible with the above software. Creating dynamic queries is difficult in FoxPro, So dynamic report generation is not possible. Security feature, which is very important aspect of NFCL, already exists but needs to be enhanced and need to be foolproof. Online reports and graphical representation of reports do not exist. 3. PROPOSED SYSTEM Keeping in view of growth that has been envisaged, it may not be practical and economical to continue with the current system. To facilitate a more efficient Recruitment System and to increase the responsiveness, it is necessary to have better Recruitment System integrated with the enterprises Information System. Proposed system is Computerized Recruitment Processing System. A Computer based system is usually needed for the following purposes: Greater processing speed: Using computers inherent ability to calculate, sort, retrieve data with greater speed than that of the human doing we can get results in less time. Better Accuracy and Improved Consistency: The computer carries out computing steps including arithmetic accurately and consistently from which really human is escaped which yields more fatigue and boredom. Cost Reduction: Using computerization we can do the required operations with lower cost than manual process. Hence by computerization we can reduce the cost drastically. System Objectives: To automate selection process. To facilitate high graphical user interface to the user. To provide better functioning and accurate information in time. To provide data maintenance features. To improve the efficiency and to reduce the overload of work. To generate appropriate and concerned information to the user using dynamic queries. To generate appropriate reports. To provide security. 3.1 Overview: Proposed HRMS is Computerized System. HRMS mainly deals with the activities taking place in an organization to process the resume details forwarded by the candidates. There are three main modules in this system, they are REGISTRATION JUNIOR LEVEL MANAGEMENT SENIOR LEVEL MANAGEMENT Registration Module: In this module, HR Manager can give access rights to some of the employee of the organization by giving UserId and password. Generally in the organization there are five interview rounds. Namely: Preliminary Interview Written Test Group Discussion Listening Comprehension Final Interview The persons who have access rights to this system, they can define the interview rounds form the above five rounds and their order for recruiting of particular job. They can Add new Positions for recruiting, Add Departments, Add Marital Status, Add Skill Type, Add Source, Add Languages Add Certifications, Add Rounds, Add Role of the employee who can access this application. They will send the intimation letter for the written test to the selected applicants. Junior Level Management Module: In Junior Level Management the candidates who were called for written test will be conducted the different tests like written, technical, psychological organizational awareness and so on In this module they generate reports depending on the applicants performance related to test results. Junior Level Management allows the applicant for the next level depending on their performance. After conducting all tests we will mail the intimation letter for the interview to the candidates who were selected in the module. Finally they will assign the applications to the interviewers for interview. Senior Level Management: In this module senior level management interacts with the database for getting the details of selected applicants in the previous module. They will go through the applicant details and their Skill-sets reports. Again this management deals with the selected applicants in Jr level management selection process. Here senior level management conducts interview for these selected candidates. With these two modules details they will prepare the final candidates list for appointment and they will send the appointment letters to the selected applicants. 3.2 Functional Requirements: Functional requirements describe the high level functionality of thee system. It describes the interaction between the system and its environment independent of its implementation. Environment includes the user and any other external system with which the system interacts. The following are the functional requirements of the HRMS: The hr manger with the userid and password will create the normal user. The user authentication can be created checked based on userid and password. The user can define the job interview rounds. The user can add new list items to database. The application shall support unlimited profile details to be fed. The user can add new resume to the database and can update resumes based on search criteria. The application shall support integrity and check of redundancy of data posting of a profile. The application shall allow for the modification of resumes. The application shall allow intimation to the aspirant about the status of selection. The application shall allow the user to view the details of employee resume from the search results. Resumes can be tracked among the defined job rounds in the interview process and scheduling, updating the interview round for particular applicant. Generating summery report based on the position of the job and changeable to Excel form. Generating the snap short report based on the Name of the applicant from summery Report and changeable to Excel form. 3.3 Non-Functional Requirements: Non-Functional requirements describe user -visible aspects of the system that are not directly related with the functional behavior of the system. The following are the Nonfunctional requirements of the HRMS: 3.3.1 User Interface and Human Factors: On the portion of the Application Assessment screen, you have the main menu, where various tabs are shown that form apart of each of the modules. Application Assessment Maintenance of resumes Test Reports Maintains Performance of the applicant in various test and interview levels. Reports Generates reports depending on their performance in various test and interview levels Click the Application Assessment tab. It shows the following links Personal information Details Screen In this screen User enter the Personal details of the applicants. Educational Details In this screen User enter the Education details of the applicants. Address Details In this screen User enter the Address details of the applicants. Experience Details In this screen User enter the Skills and Experience details of the applicants. Click the Test Assessment tab. It shows the following links Interview Assessment Junior Level Management Interview Assessment Senior Level Management Click the Interview Assessment Junior Level Management tab. It shows the following links Interview Assessment Junior Level Management Screen In this screen User enter the marks of the applicants who wrote the tests in the second module. Interview Assessment Senior Level Management Screen In this screen User enter the marks of the applicants who attended for the interview in the third module. Click the Reports tab in the main menu. It shows the following links Selection list report It contains the following tab links Selection list for Written Test In this Report we will get the applicants list who were selected for the written test. Selection list for Interview In this Report we will get the applicants list who were selected for the Interview. Overall Performance list report In this report we will get the Overall performance in all the test and interview rounds. Intimation list report In this report applicants will be got their status in each round in which they participated. It will shows the following links Call letter for written test In this call letters will be send to the applicants who selected for the written test. Call letter for Interview In this call letters will be send to applicants who selected for the Interview. Call letter for Intimation In this call letters will be send to applicants who selected for the Job. 3.3.2 Documentation In the HRMS the following documentation are provided: Requirement Document System Design Document Database Design Document 3.3.3 Software and Hardware Requirements: Software requirements Operating system ::::: Windows 2000/NT, MS-DOS. Backend ::::: ORACLE 8i Front end ::::: HTML Language ::::: Java, JDBC Web Technologies ::::: Servlets, JSP Web Server ::::: Tomcat 4.1 Application Server ::::: Weblogic 7.1 Driver ::::: ODBC for oracle. Documentation Tool ::::: Microsoft word 2000 Hardware requirements CPU ::::: Pentium IV. Speed ::::: 800 MHz Ram ::::: 1 GB. Hard disk ::::: 20 GB. Monitor ::::: SVGA color monitor. Keyboard ::::: 105 Standard Mouse. Mouse ::::: Logitech 3.3.4 FEASIBILITY STUDY: All projects are feasible, given unlimited resources and infinite time. But the development of software is plagued by the scarcity of resources and difficult delivery rates. It is both necessary and prudent to evaluate the feasibility of a project at the earliest possible time. Three key considerations are involved in the feasibility analysis. Economic Feasibility: This procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are expected from a candidate system and compare them with costs. If benefits outweigh costs, then the decision is made to design and implement the system. Otherwise, further justification or alterations in proposed system will have to be made if it is to have a chance of being approved. This is an ongoing effort that improves in accuracy at each phase of the system life cycle. Technical Feasibility: Technical feasibility centers on the existing computer system (hardware, software, etc.,) and to what extent it can support the proposed addition. If the budget is a serious constraint, then the project is judged not feasible. Operational Feasibility: People are inherently resistant to change, and computers have been known to facilitate change. It is understandable that the introduction of a candidate system requires special effort to educate, sell, and train the staff on new ways of conducting business. FEASIBILITY STUDY IN THIS PROJECT Technical Feasibility Human Resource Management System is the project that is designed mainly on Java. The main reason behind choosing the Java environment is that, keeping in mind the needs of the users. The activities that go on in this particular phase are acceptance of applicants profiles with the help of well designed web based forms and storing the information in the database and retrieving for future use. The usage of JSP facilitates the dynamic page generation. This is the main reason behind the usage of JAVA for the development of this project. Since it is multi platform environment that supports web Browser where as other languages lack these features. In order to maintain continuously communicate between client and server he/she needs a reliable protocol i.e., is TCP/IP protocol. This protocol frequently transfers messages between client and server. Communication Standards such as HTTP is used .An HTTP is a client/server interaction consists of a single request/reply interchange, it user-friendly environment. Economic Feasibility The Human Resource Management System is a system that maintains the information regarding the various applicant details. The entire system is designed to maintain information regarding the applied candidates and those candidates who are recruited. It also maintains information regarding the various tests conducted and the short listed candidates. Once candidates have been selected the left over candidates information is deleted from the database. Operational Feasibility The Human Resource Management System efficiently manages the information coming into the database sends the list of eligible candidates that need to appear for scrutiny very fastly. Also it enables results to be processed in a very time saving and effective manner and short lists the names of all candidates selected and present details about their performance in a well organized, easily understandable manner. Various reports regarding the selected candidates performance and pay scale are also generated to provide minute details regarding the entire system. 3.3.5 Performance Characteristics HRMS was developed as a IAVA web application. It works efficiently; less time it generates web page when it works on Pentium IV Processor with RAM 1 GB. It works up to ten concurrent users. 3.3.6 Security Issues Initially HR Manager assign authentication rights to employee of the organization by giving usreid, password. The authentication of the user is should verify by checking userid, password when ‘Login. Only authenticated users of the organization can access the system. DESCRIPTION OF THE SOFTWARE USED: HISTORY OF JAVA Java language was developed by James Gosling and his team at sun Micro systems and released formally in 1995. Its former name is oak. Java Development Kit 1.0 was released in 1996. to popularize java and is freely available on Internet. Overview of Java Java is loosely based on C++ syntax, and is meant to be Object-Oriented Structure of java is midway between an interpreted and a compiled language java programs are compiled by the java compiler into Byte Codes which are secure and portable across different platforms. These byte codes are essentially instructions encapsulated in single type, to what is known as a java virtual machine (JVM) which resides in standard browser. JVM verifies these byte codes when downloaded by the browser for integrity. JVM is available for almost all OS. JVM converts these byte Codes into machine specific instructions at runtime. FEATURES OF JAVA Java is object-oriented language and supports encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and dynamic binding, but does not support multiple inheritances. Every thing in java is an object except some primitive data types. Java is portable architecture neutral that is java programs once compiled can be executed on any machine that is enabled. JAVA is distributed in its approach and used for internet programming. Java is robust, secured, high performing and dynamic in nature. Java supports multithreading. There for different parts of the program can be executed at the same time JAVA AND INTERNET Java is strongly associated with internet and known as internet programming language. Internet users can use java to create applet programs and run them locally using java enabled browser search as hot java. Applets can be downloaded from remote machine via internet and run it on local machine. JAVA AND WORLD WIDE WEB World Wide Web is an open ended information retrieval system designed to be used in the distributed environment. This system contains web pages that provide both information and controls. We can navigate to a new web page in any direction. This is made possible worth HTML java was meant to be used in distributed environment such as internet. So java could be easily incorporated into the web system and is capable of supporting animation graphics, games and other special effect. The web has become more dynamic and interactive with support of java. We can run a java program on remote machine over internet with the support of web JAVA ENVIRONMENT Java environment includes a large no. of tools which are part of the system known as java development kit (JDK) and hundreds of classes, methods, and interfaces grouped into packages forms part of java standard library (JSL). JAVA ARCHITECTURE Java architecture provides a portable, robust, high performing environment for development. Java provides portability by compiling the byte codes for the java virtual machine which are then interpreted on each platform by the runtime environment java also provides stringent compile and runtime checking and automatic memory management in order to ensure solid code. JAVA VIRTUAL MACHINE When we compile the code, java compiler creates machine code (byte code) for a hypothetical machine called java virtual machine (JVM). The JVM will execute the byte code and overcomes the issue of portability. The code is written and compile for one machine and interpreted all other machines. This machine is called java virtual machine. PARADIGM OF JAVA Dynamic down loading applets(small application programs); Elimination of flatware phenomenon that is providing those features of a product that user needs at a time. The remaining features of a product can remain in the server. Changing economic model of the software Up-to-date software availability Supports network entire computing Supports CORBA DCOM ABOUT HTML HTML (hyper text markup language) is a language used to create hyper text documents that have hyper links embedded in them . it consists of tags embedded in the text of a document with HTML. We can build web pages or web document s. it is basically a formatting language and not a programming language. The browser reading the document interprets mark up tags to help format the document for subsequent display to a reader. HTML is a language for describing structured documents. HTML is a platform independent. WWW (World Wide Web) pages are written using HTML. HTML tags control in part the representation of the WWW page when view with web browser. The browser interprets HTML tags in the web document and displays it. Different browsers show data differently. Examples of browsers used to be web pages include: Netscape Internet Explorer JAVA SCRIPT Java script is a general purpose, prototype based, object oriented scripting language developed jointly by sun and Netscape and is meant for the WWW. It is designed to be embedded in diverse applications and systems, with out consuming much memory. Java script borrows most of its syntax from java but also inherits from awk and perl, with some indirect influence from self in its object prototype system. Java scripts dynamically typed that is programs dont declare variable types, and the type of variable is unrestricted and can change at runtime. Source can be generated at run time and evaluated against an arbitrary scope. Typical implementations compile by translating source into a specified byte code format, to check syntax and source consistency. Note that the availability to generate and interpret programs at runtime implies the presence of a compiler at runtime. Java script is a high level scripting language that does not depend on or expose particular machine representations or operating system services. It provides automatic storage management, typically using a garbage collector. FEATURES: Java script is embedded into HTML documents and is executed with in them. Java script is browser dependent JavaScript is an interpreted language that can be interpreted by the browser at run time . Java script is loosely typed language Java script is an object based language. Java script is an Event-Driven language and supports event handlers to specify the functionality of a button. ADVANTAGES Java script can be used for client side application Java script provides means to contain multiform windows for presentation of the web. Java script provides basic data validation before it is sent to the server. Eg : login and password checking or whether the values entered are correct or whether all fields in a from are filled and reduced network traffic It creates interactive forms and client side lookup tables. JavaDataBaseConnectivity (JDBC) It is a java data base connectivity having database as a back-end of java as front end. Database is a collectivity of related data. A data base management system (DBMS) controls the storage or retrieval of data in the database. The main use of this JDBC is the database connectivity. Using drivers we can get connection to the back-end: Which drive we are going to connect back-end. Create a data source name (dsn). Create a statement for connection. The package we use here is java. Sql. Interfaces of jdbc include Driver, Connection, Statement, Prepare Statement, CallableStatement, ResultSet, and ResultSetMetaData. Classes of JDBC are DriverManages, DriverPropertyInformation, Date, Time, Timestamp, and Type. The driver defined by the class JdbcOdbcDriver in package sun.jdbc.odbc. Class sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver represents the jdbc to odbc bridge driver. Overview of New Features Result set enhancements The JDBC 1.0 API provided result sets that had the ability to scroll in a forward directionally. Scrollable result sets allow for more flexibility in the processing of results by providing both forward and backward movement through their contents. In addition, scrollable result sets allow for relative and absolute positioning. For example, its pos-sable to move to the fourth row in a scrollable result set directly, or to move directly to the third row following the current row, provided the row exists. The JDBC API allows result sets to be directly updatable, as well. Batch updates The batch update feature allows an application to submit multiple update statements (insert/update/delete) in a single request to the database. This can provide a dramatic increase in performance when a large number of update statements need to be executed. Advanced data types Increased support for storing persistent Java programming language objects (Java objects) and a mapping for SQL99 data types such as binary large objects, and structured types, has been added to the JDBC API. An application may also customize the map-ping of SQL99 structured types into Java programming language classes. RowSets As its name implies, a rowset encapsulates a set of rows. A rowset may or may not maintain an open database connection. When a rowset is ‘disconnected from its data source, updates performed on the rowset are propagated to the underlying database using an optimistic concurrency control algorithm. RowSets add support to the JDBC API for the JavaBeans component model. A RowSet object is a bean. A RowSet implementation may be Serializable. Rowsets can be created at design time and used in conjunction with other JavaBeans components in a visual builder tool to construct an application. JNDI for naming databases The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API can be used in addition to a JDBC technology-based driver manager (JDBC driver manager) to obtain a connection to a database. When an application uses the JNDI API, it specifies a logical name that identifies a particular database instance and JDBC driver for accessing that database. This has the advantage of making the application code independent of a particular JDBC driver and JDBC technology URL. Connection Pooling The JDBC API contains ‘hooks that allow connection pooling to be implemented on top of the JDBC driver layer. This allows for a single connection cache that spans the different JDBC drivers that may be in use. Since creating and destroying database connections is expensive, connection pooling is important for achieving good performance, especially for server applications. Result Set Enhancements This chapter discusses the new functionality that has been added to result sets. The goal of the enhancements is to add two new basic capabilities to result sets: scrolling and updatability. Several methods have also been added to enable a JDBC driver to deliver improved performance when processing results. A variety of examples are included to illustrate the new features. Scrolling A result set created by executing a statement may support the ability to move backward (last-to-first) through its contents, as well as forward (first-to-last). Result sets that support this capability are called scrollable result sets. Result sets that are scrollable also support relative and absolute positioning. Absolute positioning is the ability to move directly to a row by specifying its absolute position in the result set, while relative positioning gives the ability to move to a row by specifying a position that is relative to the current row. The definition of absolute and relative positioning in the JDBC API is modeled on the X/Open SQL CLI specification. Result Set types The JDBC 1.0 API provided one result set typeâ€â€forward-only. The JDBC 2.1 core API provides three result set types: forward-only, scroll-insensitive, and scroll-sensitive. As their names suggest, the new result set types support scrolling, but they differ in their ability to make changes visible while they are open.A scroll-insensitive result set is generally not sensitive to changes that are made while it is open. A scroll-insensitive result set provides a static view of the underlying data it contains. The membership, order, and column values of rows in a scroll-insensitive resultset are typically fixed when the result set is created. On the other hand, a scroll-sensitive result set is sensitive to changes that are made while it is open, and provides a ‘dynamic view of the underlying data. For example, when using a scroll-sensitive result set, changes in the underlying column values of rows are visible. The membership and ordering of rows in the result set may be fixedà ¢â‚¬â€this is implementation defined. Concurrency types An application may choose from two different concurrency types for a result set: read-only and updatable. A result set that uses read-only concurrency does not allow updates of its contents. This can increase the overall level of concurrency between transactions, since any number of read-only locks may be held o
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Diabetes an Epidemic in the African American Community Essay -- Biolog
Diabetes an Epidemic in the African American Community "The facts are clear: The diabetes epidemic sweeping the U.S. is hitting the African American community particularly hard, according to doctors." (2) Diabetes is defined as, "A disease that affects the body's ability to produce or respond to insulin, a hormone that allows blood glucose (blood sugar) to enter the cells of the body and be used for energy." (1) There are two types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, which usually begins during childhood or adolescence, "Is a condition characterized by high blood glucose levels caused by total lack of insulin. This occurs when the body's immune system attacks the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas and destroys them.." (2) Type 2 Diabetes, most common form of the disease, "Usually occurring in middle age adults after the age of forty-five, is a condition characterized by high blood glucose levels caused by either lack of insulin or the body's inability to use insulin efficiently." (2) National heal th surveys over the past 35 years show that the number of African American's that have been diagnosed with diabetes is drastically increasing. In fact, it has been reported, "Out of 16 million Americans with diabetes, twenty-three million are African Americans." (3) There are clearly many implications on why diabetes is so rampant in the African American community, those of which will be discussed in this report. In this report, I will exam aspects of the "African American Culture," in order to determine whether those aspects have anything to do with the reasons why diabetes is higher in the African American community, more so than others. "Have you ever heard in the Black culture someone say t... ... amounts of oils and sugars in food, improper dieting and apathy towards treating the disease. Diabetes is a major disease in all ethnicities, particularly in African Americans and can be deadly if not treated properly. If the cycle of diabetes is to lessen, in the African American community, people have to take the approach to eat right and exercise, or else the diabetes will continue to run rampant throughout the community. Internet Sources: 1) , a rich resource from the diabetes community outreach project 2) , a rich resource from the department of health and diabetes. 3, a rich resource on diabetes 4), a rich resource on diabetes
Friday, October 25, 2019
Communism :: Communism Essays
"Every line I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism," reads the preface to George Orwell’s satire, Animal Farm. The rest of that line, which reads "And for Democratic Socialism as I understand it," was omitted from the 1956 edition of the book. Orwell has been called a traitor to the socialists, while at the same time becoming a sort of hero to the right wing. Animal Farm is not only a parody of Stalinist Russia, it also demonstrates that Russia wasn’t truly a Social Democracy. Orwell criticizes Marx while maintaining his own beliefs in Democratic Socialism. These beliefs are apparent in what Old Major calls Animalism. Animalism originates in a speech by Old Major, Farmer Jones’ prize boar. Old Major is to Animalism what Marx and Lenin are to Communism. Old Major is able to gather the animals in the barn, to give his talk. Both Marx and Lenin would have thought this difficult because they believed that that the proletariat would always be more concerned with work and survival than revolution or radical change. Once the animals are gathered, Old Major recounts a dream he had the previous night. He tries to explain to the animals, their place in life and how they can get out of it. This is what Marx tried to do in his writing. In The Communist Manifesto and A Contribution to the Political Economy Marx wrote about the proletariats appreciation of social position and the corrupt ways of Capitalism. "It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, wrote Marx, "But on the contrary, the social being that determines their consciousness." Marx is saying that there is no inherent reason workers should be oppressed, and they don’t see the injustice in it, because it is all they know. This is what Old Major says to the animals in the barn: Why do we continue in this miserable condition? Because nearly the whole of the produce of our labour is stolen from us by human beings. There comrades is the answer to all of our problems: It is summed up in a single word, man. Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He sets the animals to work, he gives them the bare minimum that will keep them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself. Only get rid of man, and the produce of our labour would be
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Criminal Justice Organizational Trends Paper Essay
The advancement of technology is affecting everyone in their everyday lives whether we want to accept it or not. The criminal justice system is no stranger to this; it has created more work for them and in order for them to keep pace with criminals they have to continue to evolve and stay current with the progress of technology. Technology changes from one day to the next and in order to fight and prevent crime the criminal justice system must stay current with the many changes of technology. Their success in the fight against crime depends on how well they are able to adapt to the changes. The writer will talk about the use of privatization and militarization of the criminal justice organizations as well as different behavior theories and the effect of societal and organizational diversity and the use of the criminal justice motivational theories matrix in this paper. â€Å"Privatization†can be accomplished in a host of ways; in its most basic form, it is the adoption of public functions by private entities or individuals (Finegan). Privatization has had a heavy effect on the criminal justice system and punishment systems. This is definitely not a new idea; it is in some ways a return to what was done years ago. Before the nineteenth century private groups and individuals handled the majority of criminal justice functions. The privatization of law enforcement services are on the rise, and as a result law enforcement agencies will be in competition with private organizations for law enforcement services (Harvey). It’s time for American police to remember that they are supposed to protect and serve our communities, not wage war on the people who live in them (n.d.). Law enforcement agencies everywhere are spending billions of dollars on military type equipment to use in their everyday policing, acting as if the neighborhoods they serve are warzones. As Ryan Grim said in the Huffington Post in reference to the situation in Ferguson, Missouri, â€Å"Police militarization has been among the most consequential and an unnoticed development of our time and it is now beginning to affect press freedom†(Timm). Radly Balko of the libertarian Cato Institute is highly critical of the way police tactics and swat teams have grown in this country. He believes that swat teams have a place in larger jurisdictions but not so sure about the smaller jurisdictions. Balko is especially critical of the way swat teams are used in an unsuitable fashion when conducting routine police work and where an individual’s civil liberties are often violated and where the swat team mistakenly uses force against innocent people. Diversity within the criminal justice system has both positive and negative effects throughout our communities. There have instances where unethical practices of discrimination, bias, and prejudice have been committed against minorities in our communities. These practices have been performed by prosecutors, law enforcement officers and judges who have been designated with the power by our state and federal governments. United States in the twenty first century is facing multicultural societies; individuals working in the system are characterized with defendants, society, inmates, victims, political leaders and professionals all originating from diverse cultural orientations (Barlow, 2000). The government believes that cultural diversity in the United States contributes to creative thinking, policy changes, new ideas and looks at laws, procedures, and policies that contribute to inequality and equality. There are some people that support the notion that laws protecting minority group are a direct result of cultural diversity, and these people are inclined to be against such laws. While the advancement in technology might decrease the need for additional police officers, there are other factors that just might cause a different effect. The first change is our overall demographic change, a rise in people of color. This increase unfortunately has also caused the crime rate to increase. Therefore the changes may just cancel one another out and in order to provide adequate service and protection to our communities, the law enforcement agencies will probably need to maintain their current staff levels moving forward. While law enforcement agencies will be held accountable like never before, both for their actions and what happens in their jurisdictions, they need to do more in preparation for the future. They can select, place and train their employees to assure their success through the appropriate jobs, good organizational structure, and an emphasis on strong ethical values. References Barlow, H. D. (2000). Criminal Justice in America. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. Finegan, S. (2012, August). Watching the Watchers: The Growing Privatization of Criminal Law Enforcement and the Need for Limits on Neighborhood Watch Associations. ORLANDO SENTINEL. Harvey, A. J. (1994). Building an Organizational Foundation for the Future. Retrieved from Timm, T. (2014, August 14). Lessons from Ferguson: Police Militarization is Now a Press Freedom Issue. Huffington Post. War Comes Home: The Excessive Militarization of American Policing. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Childrens Rights
Children and Young Peoples Rights: Provision, Protection and Participation Assessment One The Children Scotland Act sets out the Rights of all children in Scotland and the responsibility of parents and those legally caring for a child. The Act also covers duties and procedures for public organisations such as Local Councils and Social Work Departments and Children’s Hearing System involved in promoting children’s welfare. The Act puts children first and states the rights of each child to basic standards of care, upbringing and nurture.The foundations for this Act are, each child has the right to be treated as an individual, they have the right to express their views should they wish to do so and that parents should be responsible and share the responsibility of bringing up their child. I think that this law promotes the rights of children well as throughout the Act the child’s best interests and welfare are the highest priority when their needs are being consider ed.The Law includes that the child’s view must be considered when decisions about their future are being made and unless a dispute arises the court should not make any order, I feel that when a child is mature and old enough to hold a view or opinion on a matter that effects them and their life that their voice should be heard and their opinion taken into consideration and I feel this Act helps to give them that voice.The UN Convention on Rights of the Child applies to all children and this Law states that a child is up to the age of eighteen the Law sets out in great detail what every child requires to have a safe and happy childhood and does not discriminate against age, sex, religion, nationality or social background. The aim of the UNCRC is to promote and recognise children’s rights, they have set out the rights as cultural, health, social, economic, political and civil.This is currently the most widely officially approved International Human This International agr eement aims to protect the rights of the children around the world. All fifty four ‘articles' aim to outline how all children all around the world should be treated and what adults can do to ensure that children’s basic rights are met. Articles 43-54 set out how the government and international organisations will help to ensure that children are given their rights.Regardless of age, race, nationality, religion the rights for all children are the same there are also additional rights for disabled children and those children who live away from home to ensure that their needs are also met and that they are treated fairly. As this Act promotes that Human Rights apply to all children and that all children are equal, I think that this helps to promote a positive healthy image for children to have growing up, that it encourages the belief that we are all equal.I think the fact that this act is continually assessing progress as reports must be submitted every five years and ind ependent organisations are invited to share their views and thoughts I believe this will help children to grow up with a positive outlook as the act covers every child with no exceptions. The Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007. this Act was put into place after recommendations made in the Bichard Inquiry for a registration system for all those who work with children and protected adults in the UK after the deaths of two young girls in Soham.This new scheme was put into place to make sure that people who have regular contact with vulnerable groups either as a position of employment or through their work place do not have a history of behaviour that would make them unsuitable to work with either children or protected adults. This scheme will also ensure that if a person after registering and being successful should then become unsuitable for working with children or vulnerable adults that they are quickly removed from doing so.As this Act provides a few improvements o ver the previous disclosure system I think that this legislation is very effective at protecting children as it is an offence for an employer to employ someone to work with vulnerable groups or children without having become a member of the PVG Scheme. The check for employers to verify that a person is a scheme member and therefore suitable to be employed is very simple allowing them to make safe and quicker recruitment decisions. This Scheme also means that someone barred from working with vulnerable adults and children in Scotland would also be barred from the rest of the UK and vice versa.I feel this Act will help to give parents and also professionals working in this sector piece of mind in knowing that each and every member of staff has been vetted and police checked, therefore ensuring an environment in which all children and vulnerable adults will be safe and secure. Word Count: 823 References *COLEG, Children and Young People's Rights: Provision, Protection and Participation , DF50 34, Eleanor Mands 2004 *www. UNICEF. org. uk *www. scotland. gov. uk *www. children1st. org. uk
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Consumerism Essay
THE DISHONEST FACE OF CONSUMERISM A statistic illustrates that in 1950, there is one car for every fifty people but in 2009, there are more than one car for every twelve people in America. This example demonstrates the increasing effect of consumerism by the end of the 20th century. According to Cambridge Dictionary, consumerism is the situation in which too much attention is given to buying andowning things. In the light of this definition, it can be concluded that consumerism usually leads to materialism since materialists claim that happiness can be increased through buying and spending as well . It is inevitable that there exist a dissidence between people about this issue. Authors like Juliet Schor, Annie Leonard and Danielle Todd support consumerism is a foe whereas Peter Saunders and James Twitchell, advocates the idea that consumerism is a friend. Consumerism has many negative outcomes like overspending, overworking, credit card debts, social and economic problems etc. These negative aspects of consumerism ar e in majority therefore consumerism is a foe. Consumerism is a foe since it causes overworking by triggering the insatiable nature of human. Each person aims to reach a good, qualified life and this ambition causes competition between people. As Annie Leonard mentions, we have become a nation of consumers (9). The reason behind this situation is exactly the competitive life circumstances, each person buys more and more to be the best. It is acknowledged that human has an insatiable nature by birth and the consumerist system triggers this stimulation substantially since people do not want to stay out of the competition. Todd states that consumers are well aware of the insatiable nature of consumerism, but recognize that in their society it is the only possible way to live (1). The most negative aspect of consumerism emerges at that point; since consumers can never be fulfilled with the goods they consume there occurs a circle which tucks people into a trap. The empty and miserable consumers buy more and more goods with the hope of finding fulfillment and reaching the best. For instance, a young man buys an Iphone 4 and just three months later he sees his friend’s Iphone 5 and decides to buy an Iphone 5 immediately for reaching his friend’s level . To purchase more, this man obliged to work exceedingly so his life passes with heavy working conditions. According to Leonard, this situation creates a c razy work-watch-spend treadmill (13). This circle damages people’s lives since it is almost impossible to get rid of this circle because of the unsatisfied nature of human. With the existence of this circle, people turn into robots, they cannot think anything except money, working and shopping. Eventually, people’s psychological and physical healths are damaged because of stress, they become tired, they do not have individual times, they do not have any hobbies, they drift apart from nature and get stuck into shopping malls etc. Briefly, it can be said that consumerism is a foe since it triggers the unsatisfied nature of people and ensnare their lives with the work-watch-spend circle. Advertisements cause the problem of overspending which is the most mischievous outcome of consumerism. Advertisements have seven functions like identifiying brands, supplying information, persuasion previewing new trends etc. but persuasion is the best function which is related with consumerism. Advertisements and consumerism definitely have a positive correlation since powerful and visual advertising directs consumers to purchase goods and services. As Juliet Schor states, it can be said that the growing importance of television causes consumerism (1). It demonstrates that people who watch TV are more inclined to purchasing more. Schor also asserts that an avarage level of TV watching of 15 hours a week equals nearly $3,000 per year (1). So it can be concluded that television is very effective on people’s buying decisions, advertisements direct people to spend more money. These tricky advertisements lead people to buy redundant goods. For instance, Twitchell mentions that he bought a Mazda Miata although he did not need this car (1). Moreover, he states that he bought the car because of an advertisement which promotes the idea that if you buy this car, all of your dreams will come true (2). This is a clear example of overspending, an effective advertisement made Twitchell buy a luxury and redundant good which was pretty expensive. Twitchell’s experience is just the tip of the iceberg, the rate of overspending will increase more and more with the growing importance of television. Due to overspending, people become unable to afford their basic, biological needs since they spend all their money for visible status goods. Shortly, it is verified that advertisements direct people to consume more and more but this huge effect of advertisements are destructive since over-consumption makes people unable to afford their basic needs. Credit card debts is another destructive outcome of consumerism. In Turkey, one million and sixty thousand people have credit card debts by 2014. This statistical data demonstrates that consumerism is not a friend for one million and sixty thousand people in Turkey. As it is mentioned before, human has an insatiable nature therefore people see products as a hero and they purchase more and more. Banks take advantage of people’s fralities and give them lots of credit cards. This situation brings a trouble into society like credit card debts. Juliet Schor argues that one of the most fascinating things about credit card debt is how m any people are not conscious of their behaviour (3). While buying goods people cannot be aware of what they spend since they are not aware that these credits are borrowed. They assume that these credits are free and limitless. Credit cards are presented as hero by banks, consumers can buy what they want without making payment by cash but at the end this dream concludes with a disappointing end, hoarded credit card debts. Victims of credit cards have to sell their houses, cars etc. to pay their credit card debts. So, it can be concluded that although many people believe to the misleading friendly face of consumerism actually it is just an invisible enemy which drags people to debt spiral. Some may say that consumerism is a friend. However, this assertion is not true. It should not be forgotten that the capitalist system leads to the occurrence of consumerism. Saunders defends that capitalism is good for the soul since it gives people a chance to live a good life (6). That assumption can be accepted to an extent since each person aims to reach a good life. This is a common will of all humanity but it should be considered that human being is insatiable and this system exploits people’s weaknesses which is coming from their nature. As it is mentioned in second and third paragraphs, advertisements exploit people’s weaknesses dramatically by giving the message that they are insufficient. Peop le cannot reject the desirable choices that the system provides and they become a part of this system even if they cannot afford the requirements of a good life. Saunders also hypothesizes that no socioeconomic system can guarantee people a good life, they can just provide happy and worthwhile lives and capitalism passes with flying colors on this test (19). There exist a social stratification in today’s world so these flying colors are just accessable for upper and middle classes but what about the working class? Their labor is exploited all the time by this capitalist system. A good system should provide a happy and worthwhile life to everyone, not just the selected rich ones. To sum up, it is true that capitalism can be seen as desirable and attracts many people’s attention but this does not mean that capitalism is a friend since it just provides tricky and temporary dreams to a minor group of rich people. In conclusion, negative aspects of consumerism like overspending, overworking, credit card debts, social and economic problems etc. outweigh so consumerism is a foe. Although some argue that it is a friend, actually in real life it is impossible to support that argument since consumerism triggers the unfulfilling nature of human and it is not desirable or beneficial in the long run. Consumerism is just a foe which make s you a victim with empty promises. Schor believes that, to avoid this situation people should decrease the time they spend in front of the TV, use no credit cards, stop buying unnecessary products and try to make logical, consciously decisions while purchasing (4). If people take these suggestions into account, they can reach a good life without these tricky systems. It should not be forgotten that spending less makes people feel better. WORKS CITED Leonard, Annie. â€Å"The Story of Stuff.†Free Range Studios, 2007. 20 Aug. 2009. Web. Saunders, Peter. â€Å"Why Capitalism Is Good for the Soul.†The Insider 23.4 (2008): 14- 21. Insider Online. The Insider Heritage Foundation, Apr. 2008. Web. Schor, Juliet. â€Å"Juliet Schor on The Overspent American.† N.p., 20 May 1998. Web. <> Todd, Danielle. â€Å"You Are What You Buy: Postmodern Consumerism and the Construction of Self.†Fall 2011. Web. Twitchell, James. â€Å"How I Bought My Red Miata.†August/ September 2000. Web.
Computer Shopper Essay
Technology has evolved and changed throughout history and the world. In the 80’s and even early 90’s, type writers and the mail man were highly relied on when it came to communication. Today when it comes to communication now we have e-mail and text messaging. Presently different professions use computer but with different configurations. So what I did was take three known professions business, student and professional gamer. To describe what functions are needed for their profession. The Student Being a fulltime student takes a lot and requires one to be on point at every task at hand. Having all materials such as paper, books, pens and pencils. Even through textbooks breaks the bank in your pockets. The need for a notebook also known as a laptop is a major requirement. Having a notebook definitely helps a lot in everyday class curriculums. One problem is that once you have your notebook you need software such Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office is a wonderful tool when it comes to creating and reviewing documents. How can you determine what type of notebook to get though? On table 1 below, I have looked into Best Buy, one of America’s top known electronic retail companies, to see what is it that they have to offer to students. I came across Hewart Packard Pavilion A-8 series. This notebook comes with a 500 gigabyte hard drive and 4 gigabytes of memory. The processor is an Intel Celeron 2.1GHz. It is not one of Intels high end processors but for a student, it is definitely at the top of its class. The price provided by Best Buy is $429.99. The Business Man Reports, meetings, reviews, and analysis are the assignments general business men have to complete daily, weekly and/or monthly. But what type of desktop does a business man usually have in his or her office? Some random hand me down desktop provided by the IT Department? I believe so. What if you were your own boss and needed some sort of desktop that can get you through everyday business. What type would you go for? Generally you want a desktop with a moderate processor, high on memory and a large hard drive to keep all documentation. Below on table 1, I suggested the Dell XPS desktop. Dell is popular nationwide when it comes to businesses and even schools. The Dell XPS provides 1TB of hard drive, 12GB of memory, and on top of that a 3.4 Intel 4th Generation Core. This desktop is an awesome display of business power and priced at $699.99.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Jacksonville Shipyards
Jacksonville Shipyards 1. The behavior of Lois Robinson’s co-workers is not acceptable. The behavior is not acceptable because it is an act of discrimination and sexual harassment. The â€Å"sexually explicit pictures, the sexually suggestive and humiliating comments of her male co-workers, and the ‘Men Only’ sign in the ship fitters trailer†are wrongful acts that deprive Robinson from her right to be treated equally (Jacksonville Shipyards 1). As an individual she is entitled to be treated in the same manner as the men she works with. â€Å"Rights are powerful devices whose main purpose is to enable the individual to choose freely whether to pursue certain interests or activities and to protect those choices†(Velasquez 91). Unfortunately, Robinson was not given this opportunity, or choice, when others warned her â€Å"to ‘take cover’ or leave so that men could exchange jokes out of her hearing†(Jacksonville Shipyards 2). Additionally, accordin g to the article a sign reading â€Å"Men Only†was posted outside the ship-fitters trailer where Robinson, along with other female co-workers, needed to report to receive instructions. Since the Jacksonville Shipyard was a business that operated with male and female workers, a sign such as that posted, expressed a prejudice towards women. As an individual she not only has a legal right to be treated fairly, but the moral right as well. â€Å"First, moral rights are tightly correlated with duties†(Velasquez 92). Robinson has the moral right to work in any field she desires, therefore the people whom she works with cannot interfere with her form of work, nor her fulfilling her duties. Secondly, â€Å"moral rights provide individuals with autonomy and equality in the free pursuit of their interests†(92). The men she worked with had no right to tell her where she was permitted, nor when to come and go from conversations. Robinson could not be forced to lea ve an area because m... Free Essays on Jacksonville Shipyards Free Essays on Jacksonville Shipyards Jacksonville Shipyards 1. The behavior of Lois Robinson’s co-workers is not acceptable. The behavior is not acceptable because it is an act of discrimination and sexual harassment. The â€Å"sexually explicit pictures, the sexually suggestive and humiliating comments of her male co-workers, and the ‘Men Only’ sign in the ship fitters trailer†are wrongful acts that deprive Robinson from her right to be treated equally (Jacksonville Shipyards 1). As an individual she is entitled to be treated in the same manner as the men she works with. â€Å"Rights are powerful devices whose main purpose is to enable the individual to choose freely whether to pursue certain interests or activities and to protect those choices†(Velasquez 91). Unfortunately, Robinson was not given this opportunity, or choice, when others warned her â€Å"to ‘take cover’ or leave so that men could exchange jokes out of her hearing†(Jacksonville Shipyards 2). Additionally, accordin g to the article a sign reading â€Å"Men Only†was posted outside the ship-fitters trailer where Robinson, along with other female co-workers, needed to report to receive instructions. Since the Jacksonville Shipyard was a business that operated with male and female workers, a sign such as that posted, expressed a prejudice towards women. As an individual she not only has a legal right to be treated fairly, but the moral right as well. â€Å"First, moral rights are tightly correlated with duties†(Velasquez 92). Robinson has the moral right to work in any field she desires, therefore the people whom she works with cannot interfere with her form of work, nor her fulfilling her duties. Secondly, â€Å"moral rights provide individuals with autonomy and equality in the free pursuit of their interests†(92). The men she worked with had no right to tell her where she was permitted, nor when to come and go from conversations. Robinson could not be forced to lea ve an area because m...
Deux femmes homosexuelles vivent sous un pacte soc Essays
Deux femmes homosexuelles vivent sous un pacte soc Essays Deux femmes homosexuelles vivent sous un pacte social de solidarite, l'une d'entre elles accouche de deux enfants, elle les reconnait alors, chose que le pere ne fera pas. Suite a cela, la partenaire de la mere biologique demande l'adoption simple des enfants avec le consentement de la genitrice. La cour d'appel de Paris, dans un arret du 6 mai 2004 a rejete la demande d'adoption de cette derniere. Elle considere, en effet, que cette adoption n'est pas conforme a l'interet des enfants dans la mesure ou leur mere serait privee de l'autorite parentale. La demanderesse forme alors un pourvoi en cassation sur le moyen que la creation d'une double filiation entre deux personnes vivant au foyer familiale, participant a l'entretien et l'education des enfants et uni par un pacte de solidarite civil est conforme a l'interet de la progeniture. Elle soutien egalement que le double lien de filiation cree par l'adoption simple justifie la delegation parentale qu'elle souhaitait et que cette delegation parentale est non pas antinomique mais belle et bien possible en cas d'adoption simple. On peut alors se demander si dans un couple homosexuel, l'adoption simple des enfants par le partenaire de la mere, la privant ainsi de ses droits d'autorite parentale, est-elle possible? La cour de cassation rejette le pourvoi dans la mesure ou la mere biologique perdrait tout autorite sur ses enfants en cas d'adoption par sa partenaire. Elle considere egalement que cette situation est contraire a l'interet des enfants etant donne que la mere biologique entend continuer a elever ses enfants. La cour de cassation estime que la delegation ou le partage de l'autorite parentale est, a l'egard d'une adoption simple, antinomique et contradictoire, l'adoption d'un enfant mineur ayant pour but de conferer l'autorite parentale au seul adoptant. I) L'interet de l'enfant: la condition principale a l'adoption simple A) La volonte du legislateurquand a l'adoption: en desaccord avec la volonte de la mere La cour de cassation dans un arret du 13 decembre 1989 defini l'adoption simple comme ayant pour but de donner une famille a un enfant qui en est depourvu. Le probleme que nous pouvons admettre dans la demarche de la mere biologique c'est que d'un cote elle souhaite que ses enfants soient adopte par sa compagne mais de l'autre cote elle aspire toujours assurer une communaute de vie avec ses descendants. On constate donc une contradiction entre la volonte de cette femme et ce que le legislateur a voulu pour l'adoption simple. En effet dans une adoption simple, l'enfant est pris en charge par une autre famille que la sienne, de ce faite la famille naturelle doit s'effacer afin de laisser place a la nouvelle. Le probleme c'est qu'ici la mere naturelle des enfants va a l'encontre de ce que la loi prevoit dans la mesure ou elle aspire a vivre avec les futurs adoptes, a les elever et meme a exercer une autorite parentale sur ces derniers. On comprend alors que cette demarche a pour but d'a jouter un lien de filiation supplementaire a un tiers sans pour autant modifier les rapports familiaux initiaux. C'est en ce sens que le rejet du pourvoi de la demanderesse est justifie dans la mesure ou elle entre en contradiction avec la loi. De plus, la cour de cassation s'oppose a cette adoption et donc a la creation de ce double lien de filiation, car le moyen pour y arriver est contraire a la vocation premiere de l'adoption. Enfin la demande est rejetee etant donne que la concentration de l'autorite parentale entre les mains de l'adoptante apparait contraire a l'interet de l'enfant. B) L'adoption simple et la privation des droits de l'autorite parentale pour la mere biologique: la negation de l'interet de l'enfant Bien que la demanderesse ait emie l'idee que cette adoption simple permettrait la creation d'un lien entre les enfants et sa partenaire, les juges du fond on surtout fait valoir le probleme qui en decoule c'est a dire que seul l'adoptant beneficie de tous les droits de l'autorite parentale a l'egard des adoptes. A l'inverse du mariage, aucun partage d'autorite parentale n'est prevu entre deux concubins pacses. Si la demande des partenaires etait acceptee, la mere biologique des enfants, se trouverait alors prive de l'exercice parental sur ces derniers, elle
Monday, October 21, 2019
School Shootings
School Shootings The word ‘school shooting’ implies acts carried out by either intruders or students within a school. These incidences are usually confused with other forms of school violence like Bath School tragedy where a homemade bomb exploded leaving behind several causalities. Is there a certain ‘type’ of students most likely to carry out these atrocious acts?Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on School Shootings specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Well, a profiling carried out in the United States of America showed that, there are no certain groups or individuals, who are more likely to commit these school-shooting incidences (Egan para. 9). However, the perpetrators seem to share one thing; they plan for the shootings. These individuals do not wake up and decide to carry a gun into a class and open fire to fellow students or teachers. No, they plan how to do it in advance. Theirs is a well-developed path tow ards violence. Apart from being ‘loners’, these individuals are ‘joiners’ and it appears that after failing to gain social acceptance, they come up with a way of letting their thinking and actions known by shooting fellow students or even teachers (Egan para. 6). Though not proved, these shooting incidences may be an attempt by the perpetrators to uplift their social image from a ‘loser’ to a ‘master’. What else can explain such incidences? Interestingly, young males have been exclusively associated with these shootings save for only two documented incidences carried out by female students. Barry Loukaitis in Frontier Middle School perpetrated one of the most outstanding school shooting instances on 2 February 1996. On the material day, Loukaitis, wielding two handguns and a hunting riffle with over 78 rounds of ammunition; shot dead his algebra teacher; Leona Caires and two fellow students; Arnold Fritz, Jr. and Manuel Vela; injur ed Natalie Hintz, and held the entire class hostage for ten minutes. After hearing the gunshots, Jon Lane, a gym coach, walked in and volunteered to be taken hostage instead of the students before grabbing the weapons and disarming Loukaitis (Egan, para. 5). It later emerged that these weapons belonged to his father. Interestingly, on that day, Loukaitis was apparelled like Gunslinger, a prominent character in cinema. What could lead someone to making such flagitious move?Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Egan, Barry said, This sure beats algebra doesnt it†(para. 4). After thorough searching, it emerged that violent videos littered Loukaitis’ house. He learnt shooting from his father. Additionally, Barry Loukaitis reportedly confessed to a friend that it would be cool to embark on a shooting fling, to emulate some lead characters in Natural Born Kil lers. To be precise the character, Oliver Stone in this film was Barry’s paragon. From this incidence, it is clear that this was a pre-planned venture through watching of deadly movie series and close learning about shooting from a father. Barry’s comments that ‘this sure beats algebra doesnt it’, is a clear indication that he had deep seated problems and this experience made him feel superior making his thoughts known to the world. The whole story brings into spotlight the issue of carelessness on part of parents. Guns and other weapons should be kept out of children’s reach. There is a dire need to bring up children in a way that will discourage these behaviours. Barring children from watching these violent films would solve this problem in part. The contemporary generation of young people is exposed to many destructive things. Consequently, out of curiosity, coupled with issues like negligence and social misfit, may engage in more school shooting s. We need drastic actions to avert this emerging behaviour. We cannot afford to lose yet another soul in such circumstances. Egan, Timothy. â€Å"Where Rampages Begin: A Special Report; From Adolescent Angst To Shooting Up Schools.†The New York Times. June 1998. 2 Dec. 2009.
Five Tips For Writing Great Web Content
Five Tips For Writing Great Web Content Five Tips For Writing Great Web Content Five Tips For Writing Great Web Content By Sharon Writing for the web is another great freelance writing market. Its already huge and its growing every day. Theres so much web content out there that you need to make yours stand out. Here are four ways to make your web content appeal to readers. 1. Descriptive Titles The title of your article should tell the reader what its about. Some people like to use humor, while others prefer to play it straight. It doesnt matter, as long as readers know what to expect. Readers want to know whats in it for them. A good title will tell them. Thats one of the reasons that article titles with numbers in them tend to do well. If your article is called: Seven Ways To Land Your Perfect Partner, then readers know what they will get. 2. Direct Address One of the things I love about writing web content is that you can address readers directly. Its like having a conversation with someone who is in the same room. When writing web content, your writing voice is often like your speaking voice, and its a great idea to let your personality shine through. 3. Clear Language With web content, you are writing for an international audience, and not everyone speaks the same first language as you do. Thats why its best to stay away from obscure expressions and jargon and use clear and simple language. You can also add examples to make it even easier for reader to understand. 4. Break It Up If you want your web content to be user friendly, you have to make it digestible. That means breaking it into small chunks, usually with one main idea in a paragraph. Its also a good idea to make the article scannable by adding a subheading for each main idea. That means that readers will be able to glance at the subheadings and pick out the main ideas. 5. Summarize If an idea is worth saying, then its worth saying again. A bulleted list that summarizes the main points is another good way to make sure that readers understand your article. Heres a recap of this article as an example. To write a good web article: Choose a good, descriptive title. Talk to your readers as though they are in the same room. Use clear language. Make articles scannable, with one main idea per paragraph. Add a summary. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Possessive of Proper Names Ending in SDifference between "Pressing" and "Ironing"10 Varieties of Syntax to Improve Your Writing
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Biology Suffixes Phagia and Phage
Biology Suffixes Phagia and Phage Understand suffixes Phagia and Phage that are used in biology with this helpful guide.  ​ Biology Suffix Phagia With Examples The suffix (-phagia) refers to the act of eating or swallowing. Related suffixes include (-phage), (-phagic), and (-phagy). Here are examples: Aerophagia (aero-phagia): the act of swallowing excessive amounts of air. This can lead to digestive system discomfort, bloating, and intestinal pain. Allotriophagia (allo-trio-phagia): a disorder that involves the compulsion to eat non-food substances. Also known as pica, this tendency is sometimes associated with pregnancy, autism, mental retardation, and religious ceremonies. Amylophagia (amylo-phagia): the compulsion to eat excessive amounts of starch or foods rich in carbohydrates. Aphagia (a-phagia): the loss of the ability to swallow, typically associated with a disease. It a can also mean refusal to swallow or inability to eat. Dysphagia (dys-phagia): difficultly in swallowing, typically associated with the disease. Omophagia (omo-phagia): the act of eating raw meat. Suffix Phage Bacteriophage (bacterio-phage): a virus that infects and destroys bacteria. Also known as phages, these viruses typically only infect a specific strain of bacteria. Macrophage (macro-phage): a large white blood cell that engulfs and destroys bacteria and other foreign substances in the body. The process by which these substances are internalized, broken down, and disposed of is known as phagocytosis. Microphage (micro-phage): a small white blood cell known as a neutrophil that is capable of destroying bacteria and other foreign substances by phagocytosis. Mycophage (myco-phage): an organism that feeds on fungi or a virus that infects fungi. Prophage (pro-phage): viral, bacteriophage genes that have been inserted into the bacterial chromosome of an infected bacterial cell by genetic recombination. Suffix Phagy in Use Adephagy (ade-phagy): referring to gluttonous or excessive eating. Adephagia was the Greek goddess of gluttony and greed. Coprophagy (copro-phagy): the act of eating feces. This is common among animals, especially insects. Geophagy (geo-phagy):  the act of eating dirt or soil substances such as clay. Monophagy (mono-phagy):  the feeding of an organism on a single type of food source. Some insects, for example, will only feed on a specific plant. (Monarch caterpillars only feed on milkweed plants.) Oligophagy (oligo-phagy): feeding on a small number of specific food sources. Oophagy (Oo-phagy): behavior exhibited by embryos of feeding on female gametes (eggs). This occurs in some sharks, fish, amphibians, and snakes.
MBA Essay Help
MBA Essay Help MBA Essay Help MBA Essay Help: Get Rid of Problems with MBA Essay Writing Hundreds of MBA essay writing passes through the hands of admission committee each year, that is why you have to write such an excellent MBA essay, which will be able to impress the committee, or otherwise you will not be able to enter the college you have been dreaming about. That is why in order to present a good MBA essay writing to the admission committee you may be in need of MBA essay help: Key Principles of MBA Essay Writing This article is going to make you acquainted with the main principles and requirements from the MBA essay writing, so you may consider this article as free of charge MBA essay help. Where else is it possible to find MBA essay help free of charge? Pay Attention to the Topic Well, the first tip of our MBA essay help is as follows: pay a special attention to the choice of the topic for you MBA essay writing. Never write a title for your MBA essay writing as you can entitle it only after you have written it. You are not a predictor and can not be sure what your quill will write. If you entitle your MBA essay writing beforehand, it will either not coincide with the context or you will have to rewrite it one more time. Get Attention of the Readers The second MBA essay help tip insists on hooking the reader from the first lines of your MBA essay writing. If, for example, you start your MBA essay writing with some anecdote or rather interesting statement, you will make the readers continue reading it. If the reader is pleasantly impressed from the very beginning of your MBA essay writing, it will be too difficult to spoil the whole impression from your work. Identify Your Strong Points The following MBA essay help tip lies in identifying your strong points and making them a subject for your MBA essay writing. If for example, you are considered to be a funny person with the extraordinary sense of human, do not even try to write MBA essay writing concerning some serious topic. Better, write it in an unusual and funny way and your work will be singled out from the other gray mass and you are going to be admitted. Your Success Is In Your Hands! The concluding MBA essay help tip pieces of advice you to keep in mind that your success depends only upon you. You are the only one to decide which topic to choose and which aspects of your life to deal with in your MBA essay writing. Remember that you are the only one either to be blamed or to be honored after you present your MBA essay writing to the judgment of the admission committee. Read more: Dissertation Paper American History Thesis Term Paper on Cholesterol and Lipids Research Paper Proposal Global Warming Essay
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Developing an Evaluation Plan and Disseminating Results Essay
Developing an Evaluation Plan and Disseminating Results - Essay Example Because these values are distinct, indivisible amounts, the random variable is discrete. This samples should be a large sample size that allows for ample amount of calculations to point root error. This can be used for instance to detect the level of toxic in a blood sample. The second step is explore, in which data sampling must be visualized. In a disease management policies, this is utilized to explore the correlation of measles per vaccine. This is one of the variables that must be implemented. The third step is modify in which methods of rectification for data purposes are examined. Conducive research indicates that clinical interviews can be good enough to meet third-party diagnostic requirements for the purpose of reimbursement. The fourth step is modeling in which data mining is utilize in various ways. Since testing is one of those elements that is highly standardized, it reduces the faculty time of grading and evaluating which can be time consuming. However, one cannot refute the fact that mentoring and collaboration is also a valid assessment that demonstrates proficiency in the medical field. The last step is assessment, in which these samples are utilized to make sure that conclusions are
The Jungle by Sinclair Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
The Jungle by Sinclair - Research Paper Example Though being classified as a naturalistic novel, it has been argued by many that the tone is one of interpretation and not of description (Taylor, 171- 172). In this paper, a great deal has been focused on physiological aspects. Sinclair’s perspectives, observation, outlook, presentation, etc are dealt with. Also, adequate amount of emphasis is given upon characterization in The Jungle. My psychological traits are described and compared with that of another major character of the story, the protagonist himself. Besides analyzing the similarities in character sketch of the protagonist, limitations of his character are also dealt upon. Jurgis, as a character is not almost perfect, but flawed in some aspects according to my point of view. At the same time, drawbacks of other characters are also sorted out. While doing so, we come to know about his inspirations, real facts about Lithuania, metaphors used, cultures and lifestyles of the inhabitants associated with meatpacking indus try in Chicago, etc. the final impression is one of awe and pity towards the suffering characters in The Jungle. 1) PSYCHOLOGY OF SINCLAIR: creation of authors mind It is not easy to trace the psychological flow of thoughts Sinclair had while composing this story. The plot of the story is a mixture of various elements and gives an aura of realist- utopian narrative. Like the ‘Souls of Black Folk’, Do Bois Sinclair’s motive can be divided as Preaching, the Picture and the Frenzy (Wienen, 166) The central figure, the protagonist was highlighted in the first theme because Sinclair wanted to highlight the voice of rebel within the Lithuanian community. That is what Jurgis becomes towards the end of the narrative. He wanted his character to take his steps slowly towards supremacy and power. In the music theme, Sinclair explored the true spirit of Lithuanian culture and society. In the last theme, the negative passion and its appeal was spread among various social clas ses (Bloom, 77) Sinclair had three chief objectives in his mind. Firstly, he wanted to bring out the pathetic conditions of the Lithuanians immigrants in US. Secondly, he wanted to hold the capitalist system responsible. Thirdly, Sinclair was an ardent follower of socialism. It was his belief that only socialism could bring the required change. The â€Å"body and soul†of the protagonist is saved when he has completely surrendered himself amidst a Socialist rally. Despair, anguish, exploitation and disillusionment of the contemporary world have been projected through the unfortunate life led by Jurgis. He loses his wife, his son, his father remains an invalid, and Ona’s cousin becomes a drug addict and prostitute, and finally seeks peace in a socialist meeting. What Sinclair emphasizes is the capability of the â€Å"egalitarian and democratic spirit†to end chaos and bring about reformation (Wienen, 165- 166). Approach towards ethnicity: Sinclair was aware of th e cultural distinctiveness of the Lithuanians, as he was aware of the â€Å"intrinsic value†of one’s self. On several occasions he had merged this with the cultural identity by equaling the self with others who share a common heritage and identity. More so, ethnicity is projected as collective cultural identity. What Sinclair endeavors is to put the roots of identity into firm grounds. This is the reason why Sinclair fabricated several ethnic bonds within the story. Thus, we can find contrasts
Friday, October 18, 2019
Information System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Information System - Essay Example and, (ii) information dissemination to patients about their treatment modules, scanning procedures, precautions, preventions, and costs of treatments. This essay discusses the usefulness of our hospital’s information system on our work as a nurse and on our clients, the patients. Over the last few decades the information technology has progressed by leaps and bounds. Along the technology has grown the number of IT solution providers, the large multinationals, medium and small, and those working in specialised niche areas. When selecting an IT product or application the big company is not necessarily the best. The wisdom instead lies in selecting a company which provide the best solution to a specific need, at a reasonable cost. The ‘best of breed’ approach is therefore a strategic approach to select the best product for each solution, from a variety of companies, instead of buying everything from one company. This approach invariably gives optimal solution in each area, richer functionality, and thus establishes business linkages with more companies. Our hospital therefore uses the ‘best of breed’ approach for development and functioning of its information system. The ‘best of breed’ approach is, however, beset with its own problems as compared to the approach of selecting integrated systems that provide multiple applications with a common database, integrated sharing, convenience, and consistent user interface. A comparison of the two approaches is worthwhile to find out the comparative value of the two approaches: (i) Cost: Specialized features of ‘Best of Breed’ applications provide competitive advantage which serve to cut costs and increase revenue. The systems’ advance features compensate for higher up-front and on-going costs as against the integrated systems which may have lower licensing costs, may not require costly interfaces, and overall may be less expensive. Shared data in integrated systems also reduces
Benchmarking productivity in the hospital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Benchmarking productivity in the hospital - Essay Example The study of how best to sustain safety in the workplace should also be undertaken. In our survey, first, we identified a number of key benchmarks. These included the number of nurses attending to a full time physician as well as the number of patients allocated to every nurse. Questions were then developed for these benchmarks and organized categorically. In this staffing, demographics and expenses categories, the easiest questions would be answered first. Participants were informed that they did not have to answer all questions. Respondents, who came from the in and out patient population, were quizzed as to the number of drug administration services and examination practices had been given by nurses between specified visits to the hospital. Given by way of questionnaire, responses were received from 73 patients (20%). Of these, 15 were new mothers, 34 were oncology cases and 24 were admitted patients recovering from communicable diseases. Results showed that established patient visits per nurse were 5. Nurses commonly split their duties between the maternity ward and the pediatric ward. They also performed other administrative duties such as signing in patients as the hospital had not yet located a receptionist. Admitted patients were also asked to indicate the number of chairs and other furniture in their rooms. The number of initial drug administration codes was calculated by the number of full time nurses. It was then multiplied by the number of days during the month in which this study was carried out. Patients per full time nurse per working day, including those who did not have serious injuries, ranged from 3.7 to 8.1. The results of this study indicate that nurses though slightly strained in attempts to cater for the large volume of patients, the majority of whom had minor injuries, were adjusting favorably to the increased requirements of the populace. It does show an indication of
The Dangers of SPAM Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Dangers of SPAM - Research Paper Example They even explained an abbreviation for the respective concept that is Unsolicited Bulk Email (UBE). 2. Overview of Spam 2.1 Origin of Spam Fletcher stated that the first act of spam is considered to have taken place in 1978 when Gary Turk sent email messages to 400 people via the ARPANET; the purpose of the email was to promote his latest computing invention. Later, the term ‘spam’ originated from a Monty Python sketch that included few individuals singing the brand name of a canned meat ‘spam’ in a cafeteria in the 1980s. This is the instance after which the word became common and started being used other than the name of the brand. One of the most notorious initial spamming activities was initiated by two lawyers, Laurence Canter and Martha Siegel. They sent emails to around 6000 recipients to advertise their services for Green Card processing. Their actions were highly resented and were replied with hate emails from the recipients. The concept of spammin g caught on after the initial acts of resistance and became common from the late 1990s. According to Fletcher, the concept has intervened so deeply into the internet that it comprises of almost 78% emails from a total of 210 billion emails everyday around the world. Spammers have always managed to find their way around the spam filters and other detection software as they have learned the strategies and mechanics that are adopted by such software. Figure 1: Frequency of spam emails in different countries (Humphries) 2.2 Historical Approaches to End Spam Due to the absence of sophisticated spam filters in 1990s, simple techniques were used to fight spam. Zdziarski explained some of them in the following manner: Primitive Language Analysis: The messages were scanned for certain phrases like â€Å"Call Now†, â€Å"Free Trial†etc to find spam emails. This technique identified the spam messages on the basis of its content. Blacklisting: Paul Vixie devised a mechanism in wh ich the spammers were maintained in a list and the users were given the opportunity to ignore messages from them. This technique identified the spam messages on the basis of the origin and sender. 3. Types of Spam There are numerous types of spam prevailing on the web in the current times, some of the most common ones are: 3.1 Email Spam Bowers, Harnett and Edwards stated that email spam is used to advertise different products and services to a large segment of consumers by sending bulk emails. Numerous types of products and services are included in this category, such as financial services, products, health services, travel promotions etc. Many email spam are also sent with the aim of acquiring personal information of the users to pursue different kinds of fraudulent activities; such attempts are known as ‘phishing’. 3.2 Text Messages Spam Spamming activities also prevail on the wireless communication technology of cell phones. This medium often proves to cost the reci pient some amount if his package charges for the incoming of the text messages. Cell phone users suffer similar type of spam as the internet users, such as promotion of products and services and attempted scams. However, in the category of text messages, the recipient also receives lot of spam from the telecom service providers themselves in the form of promoting their latest campaigns. This might
China Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
China - Assignment Example While taking into account, the â€Å"long-cycle theory†, which stipulates that, a hegemon after being in power for some time is likely to be challenged by an upcoming superpower, thus, China seems to be the perfect challenger. Even though, China intends to become a superpower, it will be difficult for it to achieve this goal since; the world in the past century has embraced the culture of avoiding an all-out war. Moreover, the United States cannot let its place as the number one in the world to be taken since it is aware of the bloodshed, which can be witnessed in the event that such takeover occurs through a great-power war. Yes, when China becomes a superpower, there are many indications that it will threaten the US. These threats will be; political, social, and economic. Firstly, the political threats that China will foster will be the enforcing of authoritarian governments, instead of promoting democracy. China has the reputation of governing its citizens through authoritarian rule. Superpowers maintain their number one position by influencing other nations and governments; therefore, for China to cement its leadership, it will influence various governments to become authoritarian, and this in the process will kill freedom and democracy. Secondly, as a super-power, China would threaten the US through spreading its ideology of communism while denouncing the ideology of capitalism. Thirdly, in recent years, China’s economic influence, particularly with African and Asian countries has been on a steady rise. While considering the above, when China becomes a superpower, it is beyond imagination on how its economic influence will continue to grow. The overwhelming economic growth of China will be a great threat to the US economy. The US strategy towards China should start with the US ensuring that it maintains its position as the world’s superpower. The US ought to show that it is powerful enough, and it is not
Sexuality Education for people who living with a disability Assignment
Sexuality Education for people who living with a disability - Assignment Example This type of treatment makes it important for us to play our role in spreading such sexuality education that promotes respect for these individuals as well as mental and spiritual support for them. â€Å"Having an adult identity†and â€Å"autonomy†(Herbert, 2011, p.133) are two major rights that these individuals must be granted. In my practice, I would specially encourage the disabled individuals to enhance their expression of self-identity through not being embarrassed of their sexual orientation or sexual desires. The motivation to express self-identity and self-acceptance is the major thing that is required to give these individuals confidence. For example, I would advocate couples to compromise with the disability of a spouse and accept each other’s sexual orientation and sexual fantasies by overlooking the physical disability. Second, I would like to give awareness to females that they are the more precious gender of the two, and physical disability should not make them feel deprived of their sexual desires and related
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Cause & Effect ( poverty ) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cause & Effect ( poverty ) - Essay Example The main reason for this writing is to discuss some of the causes and effects of poverty which is a major pandemic in the globally particularly in Africa and Asia. Population has really gone high in the world thus resulting into overpopulation which eventually exerts a lot of pressure on the available limited resources such as land that could have been used in food production and even few employment resources that cannot satisfy the excess population. Overpopulation has contributed to poor planning in many nations particularly in the Africa and Asia since the governments of these countries do not have enough resources such as proper education and adequate food to cater for the excess population. Overpopulation and human activities has also led to environmental degradation which has really deteriorated the natural resources such as soil and water hence hindering food production and cash crop farming which may be essential in acquiring wealth. According to White & Luttik (1994), â€Å"Poverty is a major cause and effect of global environmental problems†(p. 110). Lack of adequate education and employment is one of the major causes of poverty since most countries cannot sufficiently afford to provide good schools and colleges as well as enough employment to their population. Inadequate education may prevent an individual from acquiring nice job that may eventually lead to a better life. According to Combat Poverty Agency (2013), â€Å"Being unemployed or in a low-paid job makes people more likely to be poor†(Web).Some other causes of poverty are availability of many younger and old people, long term illness or disability, single parenting and living in a disadvantaged community. Some of the effects of poverty are social tensions that divide a nation because of poor distribution of wealth such that a few people have all the money. Poor people cannot afford good housing thus making them to
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