Saturday, December 28, 2019
What Are Human Rights And From Where Do They Originate
What are human rights and from where do they originate? According to Campbell, MacKinnon Stevens (2010), there are two prominent schools of thought with regards to human rights, natural law and positivism. Natural law is grounded in religion and morality, based on God, and contends that individuals know the difference between what is right and what is wrong (Cummings, et al., 2010). Proponents of natural law believe that every individual is born with human rights and that states can only enact laws to restrict these rights. Positivism can be traced to the Protestant Reformation, John Austin and Jeremy Bentham. Proponents of positivism contend that human rights are created by the state and that the state is solely responsible for†¦show more content†¦The abolitionists, suffragists and peace activists were responsible for fighting for human rights during the modern era. Abolitionists were concerned with slavery, the suffragists were concerned with women’s rights and peace activists were concerned with war and the peace (Cummings, et al., 2010). Individual human rights were not fully addressed on an international level until after World War I, by the League of Nations, which was the predecessor to the United Nations (UN). The League of Nations was responsible for promoting equal rights and protection for minorities in member nation-states. The UN was formed after World War II and was formed to prevent war and promote peace. The UN was instrumental in crafting documents and treaties with regards to human rights internationally and forcing its members to adopt domestic legislation protecting human rights. The UN was responsible for drafting the International Bill of Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which aimed to protect human rights but were not legally binding (Cummings, et al., 2010). The International Covenant on Civil Rights and Political Rights (CPR) and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR) were legally binding and had a component for monitoring but lacke d an enforcement component (Cummings, et al., 2010). The United Nations has been responsible for monitoring
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Hills Like White Elephants By Ernest Hemingway - 1487 Words
Megan Skolmen 13 February Hills like White Elephants Ernest Hemingway First Published August 1927 I read a short story called Hills like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemmingway. This story presents to the readers a conversation between a young man and women who are located at a station, drinking beer, arguing whilst waiting for a train to take them to Madrin - the town in which we learn the girl is said to be having an operation. Overall, this text was one which I quite enjoyed. Although upon reading it the first time, the plot and motifs were somewhat lost on me, further speculation determined me taking a great liking to the story. Because Hemmingway never really mentions what exactly he is addressing, it a conception that can be overlooked. After a few reads I came to knowing that the young girl in the story is headed to Madrin to have an abortion she is not entirely convinced she wants. Through the narrative of the story I felt a lot of conflicting emotions, I felt an immense pity for the girl and great anger for the young man. It was deciphered that the man, although only through suggestion, really wants the girl to have the abortion, this being through the way he continually reiterates that it is perfectly simple. We also see the girl, who seems very conflicted with this decision. It is evident that the young couple are discussing an abortion, this being absolutely illegal, immoral and dangerous at the time, therefore discussing it out loud would be outstandinglyShow MoreRelatedHills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway580 Words  | 2 PagesE.B. White once said, â€Å"Theres no limit to how complicated things can get, on account of one thing always leading to another.†This quotation means that nobody ever knows how complicated things are going to get, and on top of that they can get worse. One can agree with this statement because in life you can go through unexpected situations that really affect your life in a negative way, and in life things might get worse. Both Soldiers home by Ernest Hemingway and Hills like white elephants by ErnestRead More`` Hills Like White Elephants `` By Ernest Hemingway886 Words  | 4 Pagesreader could put themselves into. Whether they choose to partake in a wayward journey full of adventure or the daily life of a human being with morals; a story’s aspect influences those thoughts with a deeper understanding. In Ernest Hemingway’s â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants,†it follows an American man and girl at a resting point during their travels. They arrived by train, stopping between Barcelona and Madrid. While there, they patiently waited for the next train at a bar inside of the station.Read MoreHills Like White Elephants By Ernest Hemingway893 Words  | 4 Pages Ernest Hemingway was a prolific writer. His short story, â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†shows the tense situation between a man and a woman on vacation. Hemingway chooses to be vague in many ways. He never gives real names to his characters, nor explicitly states where they are besides hinting that they are in Spain. Additionally, he leaves it entirely to the reader to discover what the couple is discussing. By only providing information to the reader through only the dialogue of the two centr alRead More`` Hills Like White Elephants `` By Ernest Hemingway939 Words  | 4 PagesThe short story â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†written by Ernest Hemingway, is an intriguing literary work that foretells the story of a man and a woman waiting for a train, whilst discussing their feelings and emotions towards the surgical operation that is about to occur on the woman. Although the story was originally written in August 1927, the piece was later published in Hemingway’s short story collection ‘Men Without Women’. The text includes a wide variety of literary terms and has various criticalRead MoreHills Like White Elephants By Ernest Hemingway990 Words  | 4 Pages Another relationship coming to an end†¦ Throughout the story â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†written in 1927 by Ernest Hemingway, he used the train station setting, the desired operation, and obviously the relationship between the American and the girl to symbolize a crumbling relationship and unwanted gift between them. The American and the girl find themselves wound up in a rough, unplanned situation that they are trying to fix. Many bread crumbs are dropped throughout the story to symbolize a collapsingRead MoreHills Like White Elephants By Ernest Hemingway1446 Words  | 6 PagesErnest Hemingway’s short story â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†explores the topics of abortion, sex before marriage, and feelings of separation. There are many different points of view one can take on Hemingway’s work. The main literary analysis that will be explained is the significance of the title and how it is layered into the story in various places. In addition to this, the narrator’s point of view will also be discussed since it plays a role in bringing the characters together. Lastly, it willRead More`` Hills Like White Elephants `` By Ernest Hemingway1750 Words  | 7 PagesErnest Hemingway’s stories are known for their ever interpreting meanings behind them, and â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†does not trail from the rest due to the never mentioned word ‘abortion’. â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants,†written by Ernest Hemingway, takes place around World War 1 in Spain, at a train station (Hills Like White Elephants. 4). An American man and a girl have been discussing the girl’s unspecific operation. It is apparent that the girl is perturbed about this operation, while theRead MoreHills Like White Elephants By Ernest Hemingway1037 Words  | 5 PagesOlivia Sellers English 102 Scheck February 10, 2016 â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†by Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway’s â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†can be puzzling and hard to decipher. Due to this, a number of conclusions can be drawn away from the text. The dialog between characters leaves a number of questions unanswered and leaves the reader confused about the conversation as a whole. Many things are left unsaid and not explained in the story, with that being the case, the reader must takeRead More`` Hills Like White Elephant `` By Ernest Hemingway865 Words  | 4 Pagesbefore it begins, or as easily getting rid of problem before it even became one. In the short story â€Å"Hills like White Elephant†, the compensation of abortion can easily be seen between Jig and her American lover’s decision whether to keep the innocent’s life or not. Ernest Hemingway uses the fiction element plot, symbolism, and setting to illustrate the theme of abortion in â€Å"Hills like White Elephants.†Abortion has been viewed as a crucial struggle between couples. Many view this situation as endingRead MoreHills Like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingway1432 Words  | 6 Pagesunderstood behaviors. Ernest Hemingway weaves both of these stereotypes into his short story â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants.†The story’s plot revolves around a couple arguing about whether or not to have an abortion. In Hemingway’s â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†a theme of male domination can be found, but by examining the dialogue closely, a theme of females asserting their will and manipulating emerges as well. Male domination is the primary and most obvious theme in â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants.†During the
Friday, December 20, 2019
Bus 409 Compensation Management - 948 Words
This paper will examine setting the stage for strategic compensation and bases for pay. There are three main goals of compensation departments: internal consistency, market competitiveness, and recognition of individual contributions. Internally consistent compensation systems define the relative value of each job among all jobs within a company. (Martocchio, pg. 22, 2011) With this system companies want employees to be paid more based on their qualifications and responsibilities. They believe someone with less experience should be paid differently. To determine such evaluation companies use job analysis in order to provide job descriptions. The job evaluation is to determine pay according to a particular position. Market-competitive†¦show more content†¦Some employees rely on the extra income every couple of months to help with expenses, but because of the high taxes attached to the income depending on what the actual amount would be may not be worth it at all. The purpo se of most profit plans provides more financial flexibility to the company. Profit sharing plans may fail to motivate employees because they do not see a direct link between their efforts and corporate profits. Hourly employees may have trouble seeing the connection because their efforts appear to be several steps removed from the company’s performance, and because company profits vary from year to year, employees’ receive their earnings based off company profits. Employees will find it difficult to predict their earnings, which will affect their saving and buying behavior. (Martocchio, pg. 97, 2011) Pay-for-knowledge plans reward managerial, service, or professional workers for successfully learning specific curricula. This program awards employees for the range, depth, and types of skills or knowledge they are capable of applying productively to their jobs. (Martocchio, pg. 104, 2011) Based on the pay-for-knowledge pay concepts, the three jobs for which this basis for pay is inappropriate are: bus drivers, cashiers, and janitorial services. Bus drivers are all paid around the same pay scale and the compensation mayShow MoreRelatedSetting the Stage for Strategic Compensation and Bases for Pay1227 Words  | 5 Pagesfor strategic compensation and bases for pay Paulette Harris Professor Christopher Zapalski Compensation Management - BUS 409 July 24, 2011 1. Describe the three main goals of compensation departments.  Compensation professionals promote effective compensation systems by meeting three important goals: 1. Internal consistency 2. Market competitiveness 3. Recognition of individual contributions. Internal Consistency – Internal consistent compensation systems clearlyRead MoreDesigning Compensation Systems and Employee Benefits2260 Words  | 10 Pages Designing Compensation Systems and Employee Benefits Tameka Clark Compensation Management/BUS 409 February 26, 2012 Professor Munro Designing Compensation Systems and Employee Benefits A compensation system has an important role in a company. An ideal compensation system can motivate employees to enhance their job performance. An organization can use adequate compensation to retain talented employees. Retaining talented employees is important because they help organizationsRead MoreThe Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 20022864 Words  | 12 PagesThe Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Jayne Diaz BUS 591: Financial Accounting Analysis Professor Susan Ayers March 26, 2012 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Prior to 2002, there was very little oversight of accounting procedures. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Quality Research for Mike An Illustrative Case Study...
Introduction The three research methodology paradigms are quantitative research, qualitative research and mixed research. Each of these paradigms uses different methods for research and collects different types of data. A quantitative research relies primarily on the collection of quantitative data while a qualitative research relies on the collection of qualitative data. A mixed research involves mixing quantitative and qualitative methods. As the research for the study, â€Å"Mike: An Illustrative Case Study†, used a qualitative methodology, characteristics of qualitative research and how they relate to the particular study will be the focus of this review. Qualitative research methods are divided into five major types of†¦show more content†¦There is no single way to conduct a case study and a variety of methods are often combined. For example, the study reviewed is an example of an illustrative case study. These types of case studies are used to describe or show what a situation is like. They are used to help interpret other data, especially if readers know little about the event, experience or program. Illustrative case studies help make unfamiliar things more familiar. They also must adequately represent the experience or program (Davey, 1991). The researcher in â€Å"Mike: An Illustrative Case Study†, used an illustrative case study of qualitative methodology in the study. The study clearly uses some of the characteristics of a case study such as the study does not pose to prove a specific hypothesis but rather to describe a particular experience of the student referred to as Mike. The case study began with the background information which led to the experience Mike had at EBCE. The study focused on the experiences and successes Mike had during his first year at EBCE. The study reviewed had omitted Mike’s second year at EBCE and then continued with the collection of various type of data. The experience of Mik e was somewhat confusing to understand. The report began with a detailed description of why Mike chose to continue his education with EBCE. ItShow MoreRelatedTesco And E Mart : Market Positioning, Localization And Cost Control1565 Words  | 7 PagesChina is attractive to foreign investors, there are some multinational or small-medium enterprises encounter challenges and divested from China. The main purpose of this report is giving some recommendations to ALDI based on the analysis of two illustrative cases Tesco and E-mart using â€Å"tripod†strategy (resources, industry and institution). The recommendations can be concluded as appropriate market positioning, localization and cost control. 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Chapter-by-chapter activities, including built-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Read MoreOcd - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment131367 Words  | 526 Pagessymptoms. Dr. Clark has received a number of research grants to study the cognitive basis of emotional disorders, the most recent being a Canadian federal grant to investigate intentional control of unwanted intrusive thoughts. He is also a founding member of the Obsessive Compulsive Cognitions Working Group, an international research group devoted to the study of the cognitive aspects of OCD, and the past Associate Editor of Cognitive Therapy and Research. vi Preface Preface The cognitive-behavioralRead MoreCase Study148348 Words  | 594 Pages978-0-273-73552-6 (web) All rights reserved. Permission is hereby given for the material in this publication to be reproduced for OHP transparencies and student handouts, without express permission of the Publishers, for educational purposes only. In all other cases, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without either the prior written permission of the Publishers or
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Jethro Tull “A Passion Play†free essay sample
Theres no doubt that Jethro Tull is one of the most unique bands in the history of music. Their 1973 album, â€Å"A Passion Play,†is a prime example of their creative work. With a running time of 45:11, theres dialogue spoken throughout, telling short stories interrupted by marvelous classical and jazz elements. A mix of dark humor, incredibly complex music, and strange lyrical meanings are all here. Lots of different instruments are heard theres Ian Andersons flute, of course, but also acoustic guitars, soprano and sopranino saxophones, electric guitar, piano, organ, synthesizer, drums, timpani, glockenspiel, and marimbas. The instruments really contribute to the liveliness of the play. The lyrics are very poetic and dark. The stories are best described as passionate, brilliant and incredibly strange. A perfect example would be â€Å"The Story of The Hare Who Lost His Spectacles,†which later was enhanced into a Quicktime video. You may find yourself confused, maybe even freaked out during the play, but thats the best part! Lyrically and musically, this album is a one-track masterpiece. We will write a custom essay sample on Jethro Tull â€Å"A Passion Play†or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If you have the time, I strongly recommend listening to â€Å"A Passion Play.â€
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
An Essay on Tesla motors Company Click to Visit Sample
Question: Write an essay onTesla motors. Answer: Executive Summary Tesla motors is an enterprises which have been engaged in designing, producing as well as marketing of the electric components as well vehicles. In the current world, the Tesla has been known as the same is the only electric manufactures which have been selling the zero- emission sports car using the serial production which is opposed to the concept vehicle as well as prototypes (Sun, 2011).. However it has also been observed that they are under process to enhancing their technology s as to produce the luxury vehicles sedan market. It has seen that strategy adopted by the Tesla is eco friendly which have been designed at high margins echoes adopting the business model similar to the Apple computers model and hence it ultimately differ from the peer of the industry sucks ford, Chrysler which seems to have been struggling order to aging their lines so as to met the enhancing demand for the hybrids as well as electric vehicles. Inspire of the fact that the Tesla have made the global str ides in terms of the development in technology, market adoption as well as global branding, it seems to remain as a young company across the industry. The more popularity is there because of their focus relatively for the technology strides or innovation which led to gain popularity of the product manufactured by the teslas. Research analysis more seems to be related in regard to the marketing as well as business aspects for the company as well as its product. In respect the research gaps, some of the addressed issues are as Higher development have been in regard to the electric vehicle eco system which have been created a situation for the unique environment forth company Response of the Tesla is to capitalize in respect of the market opportunity After taking into consideration the opportunities available in the market, they have provide that they have developed a strategy which will support them to produce luxury vehlcesbrand loyalty though out the world and also earning of the profit This report will commence from the introduction of the company which involves back ground etc and also provide the situation analysis such as demand analysis, SWOT analysis, competitors strategy adoption etc and conclusion taking into consideration all the relevant fact of the Tesla Motors Background Tesla motors was established or founded in the year 2003 .it was founded by the group of the engineers in Silicon Valley. They all are involved and desired to prove that in comparison to the gasoline powered car, electric cars would be better. Taking into view the same desire they have invented an incredible power with the zero emission hence it can be said that the product of the Tesla would be cars without any compromise. Also it has been seen that the each of the new generation keep going the same up and have been increasingly affordable which would indirectly help the company to work towards achieving its mission to accelerate the transition of the world towards the sustainable vehicle. In the beginning, the engineer of Tesla designed one power train for the purpose of the sports car which was built around the AC Induction motor, the same was that time patented by the Nikola Tesla (he is the inventor who has inspired the name of the company).In the year 2008, teal roadster launched which have been accelerating from 0 to 60 mph in approx 3.8 seconds and led to achieve range of approx 240 miles per charge. As a result it has been assumed that the Roadster has been proving to be new standard in regard to the electric mobility. Now it has seeled approx 2500 roadster which have been sold approx 30 countries. Vision Teslas vision is mainly to be created as one of the most compelling company of the car during 21st Century through the drive of the worlds transition in regard to the electric vehicles. Mission To accelerate the transition of the world towards the sustainable vehicle. Moreover, the mission not only to provide the safety of vehicle but aloe to ensure the safety if the consumer as well as their families. Current Marketing Objective Tesla engaged to increase the market share in the electric vehicles or hybrid market by 5% in the coming next 5 year with the introduction of lower priced model EV which Gen 3 model of 2015, having price base from $40,000 - $ 47000. Situational Analysis For Tesla, it has been seem that currently most of people are purchasing tussle Model S vehicle which price nearby 75 k. Those who are involves n purchase of the same have been a successful business executives as well entrepreneurs who are mainly city dwellers which are tech savvy as well green friendly.. Also there is teals roadster which is considered as high end luxury cars and one of the expensive vehicles. This is fully electrical and has ability to computer with the luxury car .even the price is high but still is cheaper than the other competitive luxury vehicle available in the market. On elf the feature is provide zero emission as one drove. In the year2014, they develop a plan for new luxury car known as Sedan or Gen 3 the main to provide fully electric luxury car to the cutovers atman affordable price keeping in mind the budget to bring growth to the potential target market. They fixed a time period for reserving of the same. They annunced to provide the test drive after the same will be fully announced. At that time, the estimated demand for the Gnu 3 was on the basis of EV/Hybrid market or the coming next5 years. That time the strategy was to increase the market share of the Tesla by 5% in the coming 5 years and as a result 20% ROI. The estimation in regard to the revenues as well profit was that it will bring about $7817 lacks revenue and profit of about $1606 lace to the company. As per the current scenario, on receiving of the approx 35000 per order for the Sedan (Gen 3 models), the company has boost or increase its production capacity for approx 5, 00,000 cars by the end of year 2018. This rate is 10 times more than the cars which have actually delivered by the Tesla during the year 2015. In order to increase the production capacity they have planned to sell its stock of about $1.4 billon which resultant led to reduction of return to the excising shareholders. Forecast for the year 2016-17 Type Model Value Regular Hybrid 57 518 Full Electric 37 215 Plug in 18 200 Fuel Cell Vehicle 6 5700 All Electric Vehicles 118 939 SWOT Analysis SWOT supports to highlight the issues that have risen from the external as well as internal environment which may have an effect for the strategy development. Moreover, also taken as a base for future planning as well as for strategy development Strengths Some of the strengths with the teals motors company that are available seem to help the company to take over others competitor in the automotive industry. Outsourcing of the components by the company help them to keep their cost low as well as their focus to be made entirely on the advancement of the technological (Mackenzie, 2013). Which in result led to provide strong research development department as well as create high productivity and also led to provide overwhelming result over other competitors during the market? As a result, Model S has been declared as winner of Motors trend car for the year 2013. There is prevailing lean management system where althea employee working together in small decorated offices. Which in turn allow them to simplify tee decision making in regard to management as well as internal control? It will also lead to enhance trust as well as relations among the managers as well as employees. It has also seems that Tesla came into successful strategic relationship with the Panasonic and Daimler from Toyota Motors which in result bring mutual benefits for both the parties. This is because relationship as a result brought the parties to share their expertise in regard to the production process as well as technologies. As a result buy; trusted with the customers, future investors etc. Distribution of products through their own channels by placing their stores in high traffic locations which resultant increase interaction wit the customers. And also proving e commerces as well as digital marketing. All these activities help to increase efficiency as well also led dclass franchisee cost i.e. saving money and increasing sale. Weaknesses The main weakness incorporated with the Tesla Motors is lack of liquidity. Even though there is high amount of sale by Tesla on Model S during the year 2013 2014sill the company had a loss of approx 70 million this is mainly due to the high amount of debt and also the rate which is very slow at which clients have been buying the Tesla motors. Moreover the reason for lack of liquidity is also failure to reduction in the planned cost as well as controlling operational cost. Some f the weakness is There is limitation in the manufacturing capacity which in result led to failure of meeting the increase in the demand of the customers, mainly the strategy for expanding teals to Europe as well as Asia. Moreover, in addition to this, the teals Motors also struggling with the shortage of the Lithium Battery cell and also rely on supplier which in result led to harm the brand image because of the delay for delivering the vehicle r product on time to the customers. Opportunities It has seem that the Company teals Motors have high range of opportunities available with them especially which in realty to the external factors regard to thea utomoble environment. One of the ways for opportunities is the significant change in regard to the customer awareness which in relation to the benefits of electric car, which is mainly more profitable at the time of raise in price of petrol or dieseling the market. Also the demand for the electric vehicle increase when concern for the environmental pollution as well as global warming developed. This would led to increase the demand for the electric vehicle. Also, it has seen that subsidy program by the government as well as loan provided or issued for green energy company provides an opportunity to the Tesla motors as an additional investment for the growth. Also, the company has been prevailing in the market segment which is under continued growth in demand. Because of the same, it provides them opportunity to increase the capacity and to meet the consumer demand by producing more vehicles. As a result, it led to acquire more shares and high profit. Threats The main threat available with the Tesla is the entering of the established manufacture with high scale capabilitities and with higher expertise in the automobile market which may position their car at a lower price. As a result may lead to take away potential customers as well as surpass development of the battery cell. Moreover, any problem associated with the electric vehicle such as catching fire, short term decrease in the oil prices also treated as a concern for safety as well as discourages buyers to purchase the electrical vehicles. Strengths Weaknesses Electric product- Fastest as well as eco friendly electric car production Brand popularity Technology Innovation Partnership for the postie strategy which led to growth Its ability to invent catchy as well as innovative designing. The company also has excellent as well as innovative technical ability for new production As they are more cautious for the damage in regard to the environment and as a result led to produce eco friendly electric car. Sale volume is not high Requires to depend on the continuous innovation as well as technology devel0pment High competition in the industry Margins is also not high Opportunities Threats Market is growing When price of ill, petrol increase, demand for the elctric rises There is also government support due to its ability of eco system Having large international market This development also led to increase awareness in regard to the environment. Limited production capacity Loss of the subsidies by the government There is limitation in EV support Auto buying dynamics Current Competition BMW, being one of the potential competitors always continues to provide their best or put efforts for entering into the high performance, luxury as well as low consumption auto market. They also unveiled the production of the i3. It has also provided that BMW is also under process to reveal the all electric series which will at high competitive price with the Tesla. Even more, the i3 is not merely however the first plan of EV soaks to deliver the individual mobility. This is what the brand denotes. BMW by own design as well as develop electric motors. Daimler AG one of the development is Mercedes B Class which have been at high sale in US as well as Europe. Dr. Thomas who is manager of product R D clear that the technology for the electric vehicle will be more quickly advanced for those who want to travel large distance and on the same time no pay premium for the diesel or petrol. Elsa has partnered with the Mercedes Benz for the electric motors as well as battery technology Taking into consideration the above action, it is advisable that the telemotors must improve their brand awareness as well as global expansion before the occurrence of the most serious threat which would be from the entry of the new European countries in the market. Competitors Marketing The following table clearly specifies the marketing position of Tesla with their Competitors Target Marketing As per the current Scenario, it has been seen that the Tesla is under planning to reveal its new Model i.e. Model 3, which have been the long anticipated for the middle class persons as well as one of the key component in vision of the founder was to mainstream the electric car. So taking into consideration the same, it can be said that the target market to grab the middle class with the use of its new Model 3. Moreover, it has been seen that the teslas till now as a purveyor for the luxury electric cars with a tag of luxurious price have been under planning for selling of new Model 3 for a range of $ 35000 which is consider as half for the price in regard to the Model S. They are planning to put out approx 50,000 car for the year and also having plan to use this Model for turning themselves for a mainstream automaker where selling 5,00,000 electrics in a year by the end of 2020. Also it has been justified by the Analyst that the thief new card Model may be challenging for the Teslas the time when there is cheap gasoline i.e. the same is challenging for all the green cars and also their rival such as General Motors have been staking its claim for the electric vehicle middle market with the new Chevrolet Bolt. On the baize of the data collation it has been revealed thither are planning to deliver their first Model 3 in the US by the end of year 2017 and in Europe by the end of year 2018. They have declared that the consumers may pre orders their vehicles from 31st March by making a deposit of $ 1000 or 1000 Euros. Hence target market as a whole is US and Europe and also the Middle class. Marketing promotion objective and Strategy for 2016-17 In regard to the strategy to be use, it has been provided that they are using Strategy clock which has been introduced by the Cliff Bowman that is finally representing different position in the market where it is clear that customers were having differs requirements in the terms of money value. The position of Tesla also represents range of the strategy in order to gain the competitive advantage over others. It has also provided that the teals Motors has more focus on the differentiation strategy which provide concentration on small group of the people those who are rich as well as environmental which has been attracted due to their stylish as well as attractive look regarding the cars. Because, it will be hard to reach out and compete with other auto-manufacturedbrands as common personwould notgo and buyan electric car with short-distance traveland weak charging network with the price more than $60000 (Tesla Motors, 2014). It has also provided that Tesla could not in a position to adopt the low Costas well as hybrid strategy this is so because they do not have that production capacity, scale so as to comate on cost basis. It cane said that the company has been surviving only due to the product uniqueness designing as well as their innovative technologies which in a result attract people to purchase their cars. Hence, it can be said that it has been suitable position for the Tesla that may give core competitive advantage. In addition to above, they are also involved for the development of Tesla Gig factory where the company works with their supplier so as to integrate artery material, cell and also the battery pack at one location. They planned to use the same for their vehicle and also for stationary storage. In the beginning of the year2016, they expected to produce cells initially for the Model X and Model S. The Giga factor also expected to attain their full capacity of production by 2020.And the same predicted to be sufficient for the production of approx 5, 00,000 vehicles in a year. Media and Budget allocation for 2016-17 For the year 2016-17, tesla have been aiming to produce its Model 3 as an answer to the BMWs3 Series during the March, 2016. They have announced that the production of the electric car Model 3 which have been able to drive approx 200 miles on the single charge have been expected to start in the mid or late2017. However it would be rumour that the Tesla have been targeting the price in approx $ 35000. Model 3 which has been 20 % in small than the teslas Model S have been considered as a crucial project of the company because it have been proving that it owns tier electric vehicle more affordable as well as attainable in order to achieve the target audience for the car shoppers. The Model 3 is set to become Tesla's mainstream vehicle, with the Model S and Model X retaining their higher price points, superior range, and more luxurious features. The Model 3, which will be 20 percent smaller than the Model S, is a crucial project for the company as it looks to make its own electric vehicles more affordable and attainable for a much larger audience of car shoppers. But first comes the Model X, which has been in production for some time and is finally nearing availability. Musk said that the company will begin accepting online customization orders in July. "This is really a great car. I mean, because it has such a low center of mass, it handles like a sports car even though it's an SUV," Musk said. "The performance is just surreal. Nothing else is comparable." Tesla had a decent first quarter, posting a smaller net loss than Wall Street had expected and announcing 10,045 Model S deliveries. Conclusion Taking into consideration the all relevant facts, current situational analysis can be taken as a base which provides that the Tesla have been in apathy that they would be able to perform in a way to provide strategy that help them to survive in the competitive environment. Also it has been proven the company Tesla has been succeful start up which has further become an one of the leading edge company because of the innovational ideas as well as management of good leadership in respect of the car manufacturing. They have also realized the importance in respect of the renewable energy as well as for the environmental protection. I has also proven that he macro environment that has been associated with the internal processes helps to create the good condition for the growth of Tesla in future and accordingly make them one of the leading auto motive manufacturing companies. This will also provide popularity as they have been providing unique product using the innovative technologies as well design at the convenient cost. Hence the Tesla has decided to adopt for the differentiated strategy with the purpose of targeting the upper class people and hence to provide the high performance as well as creative vehicles which enable them to gain competitive advantage. It is recommended that the Tesla must shift from the strategy of Focus Differentiation to the differentiation which would help them to provide benefits which are different from the competitors as well as rivals in the market. This would also in turn enhance the price of market share as well as also the long term profitability. Also in order to achieve this strategy i.e. Differentiation Strategy it is advisable to increase the range of Models which will consequently allows the completion with the others. References (2016).Forbes Welcome. (2016).Tesla Motors - Annual Report. (2016).Tesla Motors Inc, TSLA:NSQ forecasts - (2016).Tesla Marketing Plan.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Finding My Voice free essay sample
I distinctly remember what was running through my mind: â€Å"OWWWWWWWWWW!†No, this isnt a story about a violent attack, or some intense physical anguish. I wasnt being tortured, or really experiencing any serious harm at all. This isnt a story like that. This is a story about a voice lesson. One that changed my life. For as long as I can remember, Ive loved to sing. I’d sing all the time. In the car, in the shower, in bed at night while trying to fall asleep; you name it, I sang there. Except one place: on a stage. In front of people. Up until about eighth grade, I had a classic case of stage fright. I did the school musicals, but never worried about performing because I was usually just an ensemble member, swaying in the background. I occasionally took voice lessons and even performed in a couple of recitals for small audiences, but I was still afraid of that stage. We will write a custom essay sample on Finding My Voice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the back of my mind I doubted my voice and thought that it wasnt strong enough. This doubt was pulling me back, keeping me in the wings. The summer before tenth grade I participated in Summerstage at the New York State Theatre Institute, and I learned so much about the many aspects of theatre. One of the first days we had a group voice lesson, where each person in the group of about fifteen had to sing a solo in front of everyone. â€Å"On My Own†from Les Miserables was my piece, a song that needs a big voice and lots of power. I stood shaking, about to start, when one of the counselors stopped me. He stood behind me, grabbed my arms, and started pulling me backwards. He said, â€Å"Now start singing, and try to break free at the same time.†I was perplexed, and honestly found it a little odd, but I hesitantly started. He tugged hard, and it really hurt! With my mind so focused on pulling away and struggling to escape his grip, my voice just happened. It came bursting out and left my body with so much power, I couldnt believe what I was hearing. I was sure the look of surprise on my group’s face s mirrored my own. It was exhilarating and electrifying, and in that moment I knew I had the strength. I finally found my voice. That voice lesson lingers in my memory. It gave me the confidence to perform, and now musical theatre is a big part of my life. But it also showed me that sometimes the biggest thing holding me back is simply me. I have overcome my self doubt and now love to sing, as well as voice my opinions, whether it be in my Peace and Justice class, or about who is the best actress to ever play Eponine (definitely Lea Salonga, by the way). That lesson, in many aspects, made me come out of those wings and onto the center of the stage.
Monday, December 2, 2019
What is Artificial Photosynthesis free essay sample
Photosynthesis is the biological process in which sunlight is used to prepare the nutrients for the plant with the help of the green pigment, i.e, chlorophyll. However, when the sun sets there is no way that plant can prepare their meal. It now becomes a technology which mimics the photosynthesis the process is called artificial photosynthesis. Artificial photosynthesis is definitely worth exploring, it uses nano-sized light-sensitive materials will be converted to light energy, resulting in oxidoreductase reaction. In short, it is a useful technology that uses light energy to produce same chemicals as in natural process.The energy from the sunlight converts into the chemical energy due to which it becomes more suitable for its storage. In this conversion, side products are not yielded like the greenhouse gases. But, in the process carbon dioxide can be utilized in the same way as it does in plants. The chlorophyll present in leaves grasps sunlight, a couple of enzymes and other proteins uses this light to split water molecules into hydrogen, electrons, and oxygen (protons). We will write a custom essay sample on What is Artificial Photosynthesis? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Electrons and hydrogen are used to convert carbon dioxide into nutrients for the plant, and oxygen is transferred into the atmosphere. For artificial photosynthesis, there are 2 main steps- the ability to collect solar energy, and the ability to split water molecules.Scientists first used a cobalt metal, phosphorus, and indium-tin-oxide electrode placed in water to create a new catalytic device that relies on current generated by external sources of energy (such as solar energy, wind energy, etc.), A catalyst flowing through the electrode and consisting of cobalt and phosphoric acid, using the catalytic action of cobalt and phosphorus leads water to produce hydrogen and oxygen which are collected at both poles. The energy produced by the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen can be stored in proton exchange membrane fuel cells, enabling uninterrupted power supply both day and night. But splitting the water molecule is not so simple; it requires about two and a half electron volts of energy . Therefore, we need a catalyst that â€Å"pushes†the chemical reaction.The Artificial Leaf Project and MITs Artificial Photosynthesis Research are all devoted to solving the process of converting water to organic matter and releasing hydrogen and oxygen, creating a leaf that resembles the greenery of nature even more than it Optimized device to become a highly efficient solar energy conversion device. However, the research process is very difficult, but also very challenging. Researchers in this process have done many experiments, such as they have tried to use other raw materials as a catalyst, although it can catalyze the hydrolysis reaction, the effect is not as expected, only through so many experiments to add other Material, can we expect catalytic efficiency can be improved. According to researches, this process consumes carbon dioxide much faster than the natural process.
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