Thursday, April 16, 2020
Important Tips For Writing Topics on Compare and Contrast Essay
Important Tips For Writing Topics on Compare and Contrast EssayThe topics on compare and contrast essay helps the students to reach a clear and distinct recognition about the different areas of the subject. Hence, the students can have a better way of making comparisons with other subjects and hence achieve the highest level of their course work.An individual should write these essays well because he or she has to write the brief description about the different things that are related to the topic. This is why the topics on compare and contrast essay must be concise and not long. The students have to remember that writing an essay must always be done in a proper way.Topics on compare and contrast essay is very important to students because it provides them an easy access to identify things from their study. A student should not take any kind of liberties while writing. He or she should be very precise and clear in the conclusion. It is important for the students to observe that the m ethods used by other persons and the type of composition are always different from that of their own.A research paper is normally very different from other types of paper. The topics on compare and contrast essay also need to be considered carefully as there are many types and styles of research papers. Some research papers may be based on some topics, while others may be based on other topics.One more thing that the students must consider is that they must write their paper fast. Papers with more length than necessary is not good for the students as they will be tempted to write the paper faster than the deadlines. They will also miss the deadlines. Thus, it is necessary for the students to ensure that they must only go by the deadlines.The topics on compare and contrast essay should be able to provide both the students and the writers a clear understanding of the areas that they are going to discuss. An individual must make a point of mentioning all the points that he or she has t o discuss in the thesis statement. This will help the readers to understand what the writer is saying and hence understand the idea of the writer more.Before writing the topic on compare and contrast essay, the writer should make sure that he or she knows about all the ideas that he or she is going to discuss. The writers should also read the sources and check whether they agree with the ideas or not. Then the writer can take the suggestions of the sources.The writer can start the topic by writing a brief introduction of the topic and then move on to the entire topic. The ideas are supposed to be presented to the readers as clearly as possible. After this, it is necessary for the writers to discuss the points that are present in the thesis statement of the topic.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Understand Child and Young People Development free essay sample
This assignment is intended to provide information on how detecting early signs of speech, language and communicational issues within a child or young person. In this report we will also be looking at what potential risks it may have on a child or young person? We will be analysing the importance of early identification of any potential risks and looking into who (Multi- Agency) may become involved in supporting the child/young person’s development issues and when they should become involved? We will also be looking at how a Multi- Agency approach can be applied? There is also going be four examples of play opportunities and they will be described how they will be put into practice to help support the child/young person in their development of speech, language and communication. A Why is early identification of speech, language or communication delay important for a child/young person’s well-being? The language and communication skills of a child/young person play a massive role in their development, particularly in relation to the cognitive and social and emotional development. We will write a custom essay sample on Understand Child and Young People Development or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Language is the heart of cognitive and social development and language allows you to think, to control your behaviour and give and receive information. If language or communication is not used then this will have a big impact on children and young people and could also limit the child or young person and make them feel isolated. They may find it very difficult to control their behaviour and also interact with other children. Language is also linked to the development of literacy and this can lead to the child or young person who have very poor speech are not being able to understand the link between sounds and letter shapes and this may then delay them in their reading development. The writing side of the development could also be effected has you need to be able to understand words and sounds to be able to write. In addition to the speech and language development, some children or young people have difficulties in communicating and connecting with others. They may also find it difficult to put a full sentence together and this will restrict them from communicating with other children. Detecting this early development issue can be vital to the child or young/person and help to change the potential impact of any sort of difficulty if early support is provided. Children and young people learn every day of their lives from birth onwards and their brains are developing to. Finding ways in which a child or young person communicates is very important for their emotional and social well-being because children with difficulties can become withdrawn, isolated and also grow up to have behavioural issues. B – What are the potential risks for the child/young person’s well-being if any speech, language or communication delay is not identified early? Diagnosing any sort of speech, language or communicational skills early is important as this can affect their behaviour not only at home but in nursery or school as well. If the problems are picked up early enough then the right people can intervene and help support the child or young person. It could affect early nursery/school life as a child may not be confident enough to socialise or make friends as they could be worried that they will be bullied or ostracised by other children. As a child grows older late diagnosis could affect their academic abilities as well as feeling like a social outcast. A hearing impairment or speech impediment may make it hard for a person to communicate; therefore it is crucial that other forms of communication are established i. e. sign language. If interventions and help are set in place early enough then the person will receive the correct guidance and support. This allows agencies or the people involved to ensure the child/young person is reaching their developmental targets and promote positive results for their language and communication. C – Analyse the importance of early identification of the potential risks of late recognition to speech, language and communication delays and disorders. Looking at the early signs of speech, language and communication development issues and analysing the risks if not detected early enough, there is a lot of risks that put a barrier in the way of a child or young person’s development so identifying them in the early stages is very important. Some of the risks are set out below to show what affect it has on the each individual child or young person: Children and young people may not be fulfilling their full potential due to lacking in confidence and self-esteem. Experiencing difficulty in understanding and learning this could be because of cultural, language and speech delays. Struggling to be able to become independent because again of low self-esteem and confidence. Difficulty in or loss of interest in making and keeping friendships not being able to communicate, show emotions and not knowing how to build relationships can be reasons to why a child or young person will find it difficult to maintain a friendship. Depression has the child or young person is growing they find it difficult to come to terms with not being able to communicate properly and makes them feel alone, isolated and also giving them lacking of motivation. Some of the disorders that a child or young person may have whilst growing up is a stutter which then puts a barrier up has depending on how fluent the child or young person may be and how strong their stutter may be for the listener to understand. This is a disorder and it can delay a child/young person’s development. D – Who might be involved in a multi-agency team to support a child /young person’s speech, language and communication development? When working with children and young people and knowing who to be able to contact for extra support if the child/young person requires it is very important. After doing my research I have found a few different people that can be involved in a multi- agency team to support children and young people. Here below are a few that I have found: GP Health Visitor Local Early Years Advisory Teams Special Education Needs Coordinator Speech Therapist Educational Psychologist Manager or Head Teacher of nursery or school Parents and Carers E- How, when and why would a multi- agency approach be applied? Once the parent or carers of a child or young person is identified has needing extra support then a Multi-Agency approach may be used. The parent(s) may go and visit either there GP or Health Visitor and speak to them about any concerns they may have about the child or young person, after speaking with either there GP or Health Visitor then an appropriate referral will be made. This may be to rule out any other issues such as, hearing or visual impairments. In other certain cases the GP may refer directly to a speech and language service, although within some settings they do have ‘drop in’ sessions for parent or carers. For some children and young people an assessment may be carried out by an educational psychologist so that they can understand what extra support is needed for that child/young person. The educational psychologist may only assess a child or young person if they have any communication and/or learning difficulties. Once it has been established what type of support the child/young person actually requires, a collaborative approach will be required in order that all the correct professionals including parents and carers work together to be able to give the support required for the child or young person. F – Give FOUR different examples of play opportunities and describe how you would put them into practice to support the development of a child/young person’s speech, language and communication. Children do not learn language and communication in a vacuum. They do learn from being around adults and other children and they also learn more so when they have fun. Play and activities that become interesting to children and young people help give support towards development of speech and language, this is because they are motivated; for example, sitting and singing nursery rhymes with children and young people encourages speech movements and will become more engaging for a child than simply having to repeat the movements in isolation as an individual and not being part of the group. The table below shows some play types and activities that are particularly seen very useful to help support a child or young person that has any sort of speech, language or communication difficulties.
Saturday, April 4, 2020
4 Things That Define Minerals
4 Things That Define Minerals In the field of geology, you will often hear a variety of terms including the word mineral. What are minerals, exactly? They are any substance that meets these four specific qualities: Minerals are natural: These substances that form without any human help.Minerals are solid: They dont droop or melt or evaporate.Minerals are inorganic: They arent carbon compounds like those found in living things.Minerals are crystalline: They have a distinct recipe and arrangement of atoms. Despite that, though, there are still some exceptions to these criteria. Unnatural Minerals Until the 1990s, mineralogists could propose names for chemical compounds that formed during the breakdown of artificial substances...things found in places like industrial sludge pits and rusting cars. That loophole is now closed, but there are minerals on the books that arent truly natural. Soft Minerals Traditionally and officially, native mercury is considered a mineral, even though the metal is liquid at room temperature. At about -40 C, though, it solidifies and forms crystals like other metals. So there are parts of Antarctica where mercury is unimpeachably a mineral. For a less extreme example, consider the mineral ikaite, a hydrated calcium carbonate that forms only in cold water. It degrades into calcite and water above 8 C. It is significant in the polar regions, the ocean floor, and other cold places, but you cant bring it into the lab except in a freezer. Ice is a mineral, even though it isnt listed in the mineral field guide. When ice collects in large enough bodies, it flows in its solid state thats what glaciers are. And salt (halite) behaves similarly, rising underground in broad domes and sometimes spilling out in salt glaciers. Indeed, all minerals, and the rocks they are part of, slowly deform given enough heat and pressure. Thats what makes plate tectonics possible. So in a sense, no minerals are really solid except maybe diamonds. Other minerals that arent quite solid are instead flexible. The mica minerals are the best-known example, but molybdenite is another. Its metallic flakes can be crumpled like aluminum foil. The asbestos mineral chrysotile is stringy enough to weave into cloth. Organic Minerals The rule that minerals must be inorganic may be the strictest one. The substances that make up coal, for instance, are different kinds of hydrocarbon compounds derived from cell walls, wood, pollen, and so on. These are called macerals instead of minerals. If coal is squeezed hard enough for long enough, the carbon sheds all its other elements and becomes graphite. Even though it is of organic origin, graphite is a true mineral with carbon atoms arranged in sheets. Diamonds, similarly, are carbon atoms arranged in a rigid framework. After some four billion years of life on Earth, its safe to say that all the worlds diamonds and graphite are of organic origin even if they arent strictly speaking organic. Amorphous Minerals A few things fall short in crystallinity, hard as we try. Many minerals form crystals that are too small to see under the microscope. But even these can be shown to be crystalline at the nanoscale using the technique of X-ray powder diffraction, though, because X-rays are a super-shortwave type of light that can image extremely small things. Having a crystal form means that the substance has a chemical formula. It might be as simple as halites (NaCl) or complex like epidotes (Ca2Al2(Fe3, Al)(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH)), but if you were shrunk to an atoms size, you could tell what mineral you were seeing by its molecular makeup and arrangement. A few substances fail the X-ray test. They are truly glasses or colloids, with a fully random structure at the atomic scale. They are amorphous, scientific Latin for formless. These get the honorary name mineraloid. Mineraloids are a small club of about eight members, and thats stretching things by including some organic substances (violating criterion 3 as well as 4).
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